23| Medical Help

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Nightmare's POV 🌙

After I got on Wyrdeer and made it back to the temple, I went inside and told my brother the situation, after seeing that he's still in there with Shokou and Okami.

"A wild shiny Zoroark's trapped and injured from an avalanche?" Phobos went, feeling a little shocked.

"Yeah...It's pretty bad. He's weighed down with a lot of heavy snow and chunks of ice that are impossible for us to move, except you." I said, not tearing my gaze away from Phobos' eyes.

"If that's the case, I'll head over to the Icepeak camp and wait there until you, Nightmare and Yin come." Shokou went as she looked at my brother, before she and Okami left the temple.

After Shokou left, I could tell that Phobos had the same reaction that Yin had earlier.

He didn't want to be separated either.

"Alright...Lead me to him." Phobos began as he looked at me.

In response, I nodded my head before we left the temple as well, while I started to lead Phobos the way where Yin and the two shiny pokémon are.

-  -  -

By the time we arrived, Yin was still with the shiny zorua and zoroark.

As for the shiny zorua, it was resting comfortably in Yin's arms while the zoroark had his eyes closed.

I couldn't tell if he was just resting his eyes for a bit, taking a light nap, or if he was passed out from the injuries and the amount of blood that he lost, that's currently staining the snow on top and underneath him.

One way or the other, we have to get him out of there and medically treated, fast.

"This the one you're talking about?" Phobos asked as he looked at me.

"Yeah." I answered before nodding my head a little.

"Okay...Yin, step aside and keep the little zorua in your arms. I'll get him out." He says next as he turned to look at her.

Nodding, Yin got out of the way and went over to me, before we watched Phobos approach the trapped shiny zoroark.

"Hey...You still alive?" He asked.

For a moment, we didn't get a response until a groan was heard and a nod was seen next.

"Okay. Just hang in there, bud. Imma get you out from under there..." Phobos went.

In response, he only got another nod from the shiny zoroark.

Yin's POV 🌺

As we watched, Phobos bent over and grabbed a large clump of the snow before making a giant snowball out of it and tossing it aside.

Any large chunks of ice he finds during the process of getting the shiny zoroark out, he'd only melt by using the move Flamethrower, that I had him learn at the Training grounds, back at the village.

During the moments he was using Flamethrower to melt any large chunks of ice, he made sure to be extra careful in not allowing the flames to touch or burn the shiny zoroark by accident.

Then he continued gathering up large clumps of snow before tossing it aside.

This went on for what felt like 10 minutes, before Phobos completely got the shiny zoroark out from underneath all of that heavy snow and chunks of ice.

"He's out." He says before showing the shiny zoroark to us, after gently picking him up and carrying him in his arms.

"Thank Arceus!" I sighed in relief. "Now let's hurry over to the Icepeak camp and get his injuries treated quickly!"

Agreeing with me on that, the others started hurrying in the direction towards the Icepeak camp, as I got on Wyrdeer and followed after them, while I still carried the shiny zorua in my arms.

Just when we were getting close and catching up to the others, I suddenly noticed the shiny zorua was in tears, when I felt something wet hit one of my arms.

"Hey...What's wrong?" I asked as I looked at the zorua.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just..." I heard the zorua respond tearfully before it buried its face in my chest and started crying.

Seeing that, I shushed it gently while rubbing its small back soothingly.

While the zorua kept crying, I waited for it to calm down enough to where it'd be able to say something.

"What is it?" I asked again.

"Th-Thank you s-so m-much for s-saving my brother..." The zorua says tearfully as it looked at me.

After seeing that, my gaze softened as I smiled gently and chuckled a little at the shiny zorua.

"You're welcome." I replied before petting it by the forehead.

In response, the zorua blushed a little at that cutely, before smiling back at me.

Once we arrived, I got off of Wyrdeer before walking over to the security corps member and telling him what's going on, when he asked me about the injured shiny zoroark.

"I recommend taking him to the village and letting the medical corps handle the situation, just for extra precautions." Shokou mentions to me and the security corps member, as she looked at us.

Nodding in understanding, we packed our things up and traveled back to the village, as we took the shiny zorua and zoroark along with us.

-  -  -

When we made it, I hurried over to the Galaxy guild and explained the situation to the medical corps captain, before I held the door open for the medical corps members, so they'd be able to leave and bring the shiny zoroark in the building, without any issues.

Once he was in and got his injuries treated, after the medical corps looked over at them, I gently set the zorua down on the bed, next to their brother.

Worried, the zorua went over and curled itself up into a ball of fur, burying its face into the crook of its brother's neck.

Seeing that, I started to remember the time when Luna told me her point of view, when I was transformed into my frenzied zoroark half, before Shokou recently sealed it away in the necklace that I'm still wearing.

Looking over at my pokéball that contained Luna, and seeing that she's awake, I letted her out and gently picked her up before holding her in my arms.

"Will the shiny zoroark be okay?" She asked, once she noticed what was going on, before looking at me.

"I'm sure he will be. I promise you and the shiny zorua on that..." I answered before smiling and giving Luna a kiss on the forehead.

In response, she smiled back and rested her head on my chest, while she kept her gaze on me.

But, the only thing we could do right now is wait and see how everything'll turn out for the shiny Zoroark...

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