21| Sealed Away

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Nightmare's POV 🌙

After Shokou played a song I've never heard of before, along with the sealing process being finished and Yin reverted back to normal, I could only let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the frenzied Zoroark side of her was calmed.

I don't exactly know a lot about Yin's frenzied Zoroark side, but just bits and pieces of it.

Sometimes, I would feel uncertain about my thoughts guessing that she's the same wild Zoroark that attacked me in the village after my encounter with it at first.

But, I didn't want to believe it.

Ever since Luna, Phobos and I were with her, I mostly saw her and her own personality as someone who wouldn't hurt a fly, pokémon or anyone whose a human or a hybrid like her.

A human girl who's completely 100% pacifist.

"It's done. The frenzied zoroark side of you is calmed. But, just know it's only temporary until you find a way to have it subdued completely..." Shokou began, after Yin opened her eyes and looked at her, while getting up to her feet.

"But, there is one thing about this that's on the positive side...You'll be able to fully transform into your Zoroark half by your own will. Painlessly and can be around daylight too."

After she said that, the both of us were relieved and happy at the same time we heard that.

But, we also weren't because of the fact the frenzied zoroark's only calmed down temporarily until we figure out a way to fully calm it and have it under Yin's control completely.

"The only thing I can say, is keep that necklace on you. Parting with it, will make you remain a full-fledged human for a limited but a long period of time.

I recommend taking it off when you return to the village to get yourself some rest." Shokou mentions.

"What if I decide to sleep with the necklace on?" Yin asked.

"I'm mostly certain that you'll unconsciously turn yourself into your Zoroark half during the night, which'll make you restless, since some of them stay up at night and sleep in during the day. It'll mess with your sleep schedule if you do that." She answered.

"Valid." I say as I walked over to Yin and pulled her into my arms, giving her a hug.

Yin nodded her head in agreement to that, as she leaned back on me and rested her hands on mine.

"You know the drink that was in the cup? What was that and for? It tasted unusual but nice." Yin asked.

"I don't think you'd want to know, despite your liking to pokémon...But, all I can tell you is that the drink's supposed to help and take rapid effect on you when you decide at times to turn into a Zoroark by your own will." Shokou responded.

"Okay..." She went.

"So, now that this situation's been dealt with, should we head back to the Diamond settlement and inform the clan leaders what we learned and tell Cogita our progress?" I asked.

"Yeah...Let's go." Yin answered as she smiled a bit.

Then we left the temple as Shokou stayed behind to put her stuff away and to clean the paint up from the floor.

As for my older brother, it's starting to get quite obvious who is he with at this point, since he's not tagging along with us.

"Phobos' is really attached to Shokou, don't ya think?" Yin mentions as she looked at me while we were walking.

"But, I don't blame him for being like that, since Shokou's his daughter...I'm still trying to get used to the fact he's her father."

"Yeah. It does feel weird, knowing Shokou's his daughter now." I replied as I nodded.

In return, Yin smiled before turning herself into her Zoroark half and kissing me on the lips.

Then she reverted back into her normal form, once she parted.

I blushed a little after that happened as I looked at her.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For being cute..." She teased before sticking her tongue out at me in a playful manner.

After she did that, I had an arm around her neck before pulling her close and giving her a noogie, making her squeal and laugh a bit in surprise.

"Lemme gooo!" She giggled.

In response, I kissed her on the forehead before letting go and ruffling her hair a little.

Yin's POV 🌺

After Nightmare did that, I smiled and hugged him before parting and resuming our way to one of the camps.

Unfortunately, that was cut short, because the both of us suddenly heard a Zorua desperately crying out and begging for help.

When we did, I suddenly noticed a gleam for a moment and a hint of blue, making me gasp lightly at what I just noticed.

"Was that a shiny Zoura I just spotted?!?!" I asked as I lightly grabbed on Nightmare's arm excitedly.

"Yeah? What's the big deal about that?" He asked while giving me a confused look.

"You don't know?!?!" I went, shocked.

"Shiny pokémon are extremely rare for us to find. Once you get a glimpse of it, you better catch it while you still have the chance to before it's too late!

It's a lot more rare than finding large golden Nuggets, Star pieces, and Comet shards too!" I explained to Nightmare.

"That makes sense." He replied before nodding his head.

"Yeah! Let's hurry after it! It seems like it needs some help with something too." I say before we hurried a little towards the direction where I spotted the shiny Zoura.

When we were getting close to it, we slowed down a little and approached the Zorua cautiously, so we don't scare it by accident.

"Someone! Please! Help!" We heard the Zorua say before seeing that it was trapped in the snow, underneath a thick tree branch that's somehow fallen.

Seeing the way the thick tree branch had landed on the poor thing, it almost looked like it was trapped in a cage of thick wood.

"Hang on...We'll get you out of there." I say as I approached the Zorua.

As soon as the Zorua spotted me, its eyes widened a little in fear.

"Eeek! A human!" It said before backing away a little and trying to attack me with the move Swift.

Seeing that reaction and the attack, I decided to turn myself back into my Zoroark half again and take the blow of the attack, knowing it has no effect, since hisuian Zoruas and Zoroarks are both a hybrid of ghost type and normal type.

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