Haizaki Ryouhey x Reader | Mine

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This is one of the most interesting characters, this is Haizaki also called Elliot Ember. (Shouting rn, cuz the pic it's just *mwah*) ⚠there is a small graphical scene/part ⚠


I walked inside the school gates and was greeted by multiple stares. I am an average student in the academy, I mean not really. I was known for dating one of the most aggressive players in the football team, Haizaki Ryouhey also known as the "Devil of the Field". I went to my first lesson avoiding all the stares, I was already used to people acting like that.

Later that day - After school

I had seen Haizaki somewhere in the hallways, but whenever I wanted to speak to him, he was always surrounded by his friend, teammates or a crowd of fangirls. He hadn't texted me this morning, nor did he walk with me to school like we usually did. It's been a week, he's been quite distant from me for some reason. I'm not jealous or mad, I understand he has a lot of training to do, but I'm starting to miss him

"Otonashi??" I shouted calling my best friend's name and the manager of the Seishou Gakuen

"Ah Hi, Y/n, what is it?" She said with a bright smile as we exchanged a hug

"Have you seen Haizaki, I haven't seen him around and was wondering do you know where he is?" I said.

"Ohh, yh his with the team training on the field, am going back with this bottles, let's go" she said

"Ah Yh, thank you" I replied, taking some of the bottles to help her.

We got to the field where practices were taking place, I could already spot a Haizaki intensely training.

"Guys, come take a break" Otonashi said calling the boys. They all quickly ran to refresh themselves apart from Haizaki. I shook my head, took a bottle and walked up to him.

"Haizaki-kun, why don't you come with the guys and relax a bit?" I asked as he was still dribbling the ball

"I don't feel like it" he replied not even looking at me. I frowned and moved in front of him, he stopped and looked at me with a questioning look

"What are you doing?" he said and I handed him a bottle "Here, take this please".

He took the bottle and started drinking it, the sun was reflecting on his sweating face, making him shine, I blushed at the sight as he handed the bottle back to me, I smiled not for long as he went back to train.

 I sighed and walked back to Otonashi, sitting on the bench next to her.

I watched as they played a little, Haizaki was sure one haughty boy and I knew that. The first time we started dating, he was kind and loving to me, he'd blush whenever I spoke and made sure I was always safe walking to school or anywhere. He loved spending time with me like I did but all of a sudden things changed...

Time skip

It was getting darker and one by one, each member left to go home. I said bye to Otonashi as it was only me and Haizaki left on the field.

"Babe, come on is getting dark" I said walking towards him. He ignored me.

"Bae, come on, let's go " I said getting closer to him. He was coming toward me while dribbling with the ball.

"Please, can we just go I'm getting a little tired, plus I wanna speak to you " I said

"You can go, I have a lot to do" He said as he stopped right in front of me. We were facing each other.

"But babe, can we-" 

"OH MY GOD Y/N! I SAID NOT RIGHT NOW! what do you not understand about that? gosh, you're getting so annoying these days, like all you do is irritate me and get clingy to me, just stop for god's sake" He shouted at me.

I stood there, unable to speak as the tears that I had long been keeping escaped from my eyes...

"I came here because I missed you so much, I knew you were busy with training for the past weeks and didn't want to bother you, I thought me being here was going to make you feel better"  I said I started sobbing "not knowing all I did was annoy you but don't worry I won't bother you anymore" I said as I walked away leaving him there, guilty.

Haizaki POV

Her small figure disappeared in the distance.

Shit, shit...what have I done... I gripped my hair and kicked the ball. I didn't mean any of that, Why do I always have to be a mess? Why does this always have to happen to me?

Next Day


I walked into school, still with people staring at me, honestly is becoming annoying...I ignored them and went to my first lesson.

For the whole day, I've been avoiding Haizaki. He'd walked to me and I would go the opposite way just to not speak to him. I was hurt but I had promised myself to not bother the boy, while I wanted to speak to him and forgive him, I refused to.

It was the end of the day, It was already dark due to the fact I stayed longer to study at the library.

I was about to leave but felt someone grab my wrist...Rb/n (Random boy name)

"Huh, Rb/n what do you want?" I said looking at him...

"I saw you arguing with Haizaki last night, I think you should break up with him and date me" what? has he been stalking me ??

"Why were you looking at us?" I said a bit terrified

"Baby, you don't have to worry about that" He said as he started dragging me somewhere isolated

"Let go of me, you pervert...Help!" I shouted as I tried to free myself.

He pinned me against a wall, I tried to kick his nuts but failed. I felt helpless, tears started forming in my eyes, I shut them close...

"let go of her" I heard someone say. I open my eyes to see a furious Haizaki. He carelessly and effortlessly pushed Rb/n off me and moved in front of me.

"Don't fucking ever touch what's mine, you heard me?" he said eyeing him.

"Yours? I've been liking her way longer than you have bro, wait till I put my hands on her" Rb/n said viciously smirking. I closed my eyes...

I opened them to see Haizaki repeatedly punching Rb/n.

"Don't fucking ever touch her, don't ever speak to her, don't even look at her way" he said as Rb/n started coughing blood "I'm warning you right now if I ever catch you looking at her, you're finished" He said as he grabbed my hand and left the place.

"Y/n I'm so sorry about not being here earlier, matter fact sorry about yesterday, you're not annoying, you do your best to make me feel good and is the best thing I've ever felt. I had never had someone love me as you do, I was afraid of getting hurt, I was afraid of losing you, I felt like I wasn't enough or any good for you, so I distanced myself from you, please forgive me-" He said 

I jumped on him for a hug " Bae, I love you so much, I don't care about how people view you or me, I chose to be with you because I knew you were the one, you look perfect in my eyes and while sometimes you act silly, that doesn't stop me from loving you" I said. 

He looked at me and slowly kissed me, it was a gentle kiss, full of love. He hugged me when we parted.

I love you little princess

I love you too 


We were walking to school hand in hand as everyone stared again.

"They are annoying me now, you know" I said as Haizaki chuckled a little.

"WHAT ARE YALL STARNG AT?" He shouted, making everyone look away.

"Much better" I said as we both laughed


Ahh, tell me why I blushed and felt a whole volcano erupting in my stomach while writing this??? but anyways I hope you enjoyed this like I  did, see you on the next Oneshot.

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