Kidou Yuuto X Shy reader | Library

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I was walking to school on my way to meet up with Haruna so that we could walk together to school. As random as it sounds like I have had a crush on her brother for a very long time, Kidou Yuuto, however, I'm too shy to confess. Haruna has told me more than a thousand times to confess to him but the problem is every time I see him, I freak out and end up embarrassing myself to the point I believe, he thinks that I'm a weirdo.

"Y/n-chan, over here!"I turn around to see Haruna running towards me and I wave at her, smiling.

"Hey, what were you thinking about, I called you so many times?" She asked. "Wait...I know,you're probably thinking about my brother, right?" She said teasing me, being the only person to know about my little crush.

"Come on, let's go" I said and started speeding up avoiding her question, but that just proved her right.

"I think you should just confess to him, you never know "She said catching up.

Yeah, maybe she's right.


"Hey,Y/n!Haruna!" It was Endou with aki ,Gouenji and ... Kidou.

I started breathing heavily as Haruna grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the group of friends

"Hey guys, ready to start the day?" She asked excited.

"Yes" they replied, cheerfully. Conversations had already begun among them, I slowly looked around waiting for the bell to ring. I'm honestly a person of few words and I'm still shocked to have friends like them.

Deep in my thoughts, I hadn't realised that Kidou turned to me, I widened my eyes as he began to talk.

"Y/n, I heard that you like going to the library, would you mind coming with me at lunchtime to help me look for a book?" Kidou asked nonchalantly.

Wait a minute? he asked me a question ....what should I say...

I felt myself getting nervous. I tighten my grip on Haruna, she noticed it and whispered 'say yes'

"Y-yes, I d-don't mind" I mean who would be that stupid to refuse his request.

"Ok then I'll see you there," he says with a small smile.

"OK, then let's go before the bell rungs"


I was already there, but he wasn't.

What if he was playing with me...or maybe he's just late...Oh, the other day I was looking for this book, let me take this opportunity to look for it, while I wait for him.

I started wandering around the library, looking for the book that I was attracted to.

Kidou POV

I arrived at the library and started looking for Y/n. The actual reason why I asked her to come to the library was to spend time with her, even though sometimes she seems to freak out when she sees me, I found that ...cute. I wanted to get close to her...not that I love her, I mean I'm still unsure of that.

I remember the time Haruna invited her over and decided to pull a prank on her. She told her to wait for her in her room and since she didn't know the place quite well, she ended up getting in my room while I was shirtless. I still remember how red she was while Haruna was laughing.

I turned around to see a girl trying to reach for a book, it was Y/n.


I found the book it was on one of the top shelves. Ugh, who had the stupid idea to move it?

I tried to stretch my arm for the book, hoping to reach it but instead, I saw somebody's arm reaching for the book. I startled and quickly turned around. It was Kidou...we were so close to each other, that I started blushing and so was he.

" Here, take it, "he said handing me the book.

"T-thank you, Kidou-Kun...I mean no, I mean yes..."I just realise what I just said, am I this stupid? I was about to run away but felt a grip on my wrist.

"Please..don't go" he pleaded and I nodded still red.

"so what was the book you were looking for?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.

" It was something like...'How to know if you like a girl " he said, walking around, looking through the shelves, seemingly to be searching for the book.

What....does this mean he already likes someone?

"Y-You like s-someone?" I asked, still avoiding any type of eye contact. A knot had formed in my throat, I didn't want to cry however I felt stupid, stupid to believe I would ever have a chance with him...I should have known.

"Yeah but I'm still not sure about that?" he said, mumbling.

" don't need a book to tell you whether you like a girl or you don't, the book can misinterpret what you're looking for, if the girl is the one to make your heart beat fast without you knowing it then that its love if that person means a lot to you and makes you want to have her then that is love, you don't need a book, Kidou," I said and realised that it was the first-ever time I spoke to him without stuttering, without saying any incomprehensible word. I shut my gaze towards him and he was already staring at me with a little shade of pink on his cheeks.

"But I don't know if that girl likes me back" he said frowning a little.

"You don't need to worry about that if that girl doesn't like you, that's her problem and she doesn't probably deserve you, there are many girls that would like to date you" I said with a reassuring smile, even though I was sad knowing that, the girl was certainly not me.

"So is finding a shy girl cute, love? Because I think I like you Y/n " he said smiling and blushing at me. I suddenly felt my body heating up.

"I thought, you didn't like me because I was a weirdo and that time when I went to your house and..." I say, trying to work out the reason why he liked me, blushing a lot.

" No, it's not like that, I found you very cute, I wasn't sure about liking you and if I was enough for you, will you please, be my girl-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as I kissed him. He seemed shocked at first but then gave in. Our lips were moving in synchronization. We parted and he showered me with kisses all over my face.

I smiled with happiness, I couldn't believe it that he was now my boyfriend and that we had just kissed in a library, I needed to tell Haruna.

"Yeah, I knew he liked her!!!!!!!!" someone screamed, Me and Kidou turned around to see Haruna, Aki and the football team(club)

"Harunaa~!" They all say in unison, blaming her for being spotted.

"Wait till I catch you, sis" Kidou almost growls.

"SHHH, this is a library" the library teacher came out of nowhere, shushing us.

Kidou planted a kiss on my cheek making me blush and we all went out.


"Now you won't run away every time you see me"

"Kidou, maybe you're right, I won't run every time I see you, but every time I take your glasses off," I say and took his glasses running away with them.

"Hey!?" he said running after me.

"I thought Y/n was a shy-quiet person ?" Aki said laughing.

"Never knew my brother could be this childish" Haruna said laughing alone.

"I love you, Y/n"

"I love you too, Kidou"


This seemed long, anyways i hope you liked it...


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