Tsurugi Kyousuke x Reader | Rejected

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Been a week but I'm back with Tsurugi Kyousuke ( Victor Blade).


On my way inside school, I spotted Tsurugi walking inside and thought about walking inside with him. Not only because we were in the same class, but because I liked him.

"Tsurugi-kun! "I shouted, running towards the spiky blue-haired boy. He slowly turned around to face me.


"Good morning, do you want to walk in together?" I said with a bright smile on my face. He slightly tilted his head to the side, giving me a questioning look before nodding.

We walked inside the classroom and Tsurugi moved away from me to find a seat. He walked to the back of the class and sat in the back corner. I followed him and sat next to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I softly asked him.

"Do whatever" He said facing outside the window, closing his eyes.

I was caught by his beauty for a few seconds. Yes, he was a reserved guy, who never liked to speak to anyone, which made him look 'scary' to most people in the school, however, he appealed unique to me for some reason.

I always tried to get closer to him every day, hoping he would open up to me but he never did. Somehow, I knew one day he would have come to care for me.

"Y/n, stop staring at Tsurugi like that" I heard a boy saying, making me quickly look away.

"What does Tsurugi have that makes you simp for him so much, Y/n-chan" Another boy said smirking. I glared at both of them and they stuck their tongues out at me, making weird faces.

"He's not childish and Immature like you " I said rolling my eyes.

"haha, it's funny how you think Tsurugi even thinks of you as a friend, right Tsurugi?" Boy 1 said expecting an answer from Tsuguri. They weren't all that wrong, Tsurugi had never actually treated me as his friend. I slowly looked at Tsuguri as he didn't answer.

"The both of you shut up" Tsurugi said slowly opening his eyes.

"But isn't it the truth?" Boy 2 said with a visible smirk on his face. B*tch why are you in my business

"...well yeah, she's not my friend" He nonchalantly replied to the boys, before looking back outside. The boys smirked before turning back around.

I sat on my seat awkwardly...I knew he didn't mean it, he probably just said it to push the boys away. I mean it wasn't the first time he was being this cold towards me...


"Tsurugi-kun, would you like to have lunch together" I said as he stood up, picking up his stuff.

"No, I'm good" He said making his way outside. I frowned and went to the cafeteria,looking for my best friend Ruma.

"Y/n , over here" I heard her say, waving at me.I walked towards the table and sat next to her, letting out a big sight.

"What happened, what's with that face?" She said while eating.

"Well...same old thing, Tsurugi, this time he said something about me not being his friend" I said looking at the table.

"ugh, that guy...why do you bother so much anyways..." She said shaking her head at me in disbelief.

"I mean...It's just, I wish he could see how much I liked him"

"You know what, you should just confess to him" She said.

"Huh...y-you think so?" I said unsure.

"I mean, you need to make it clear for him" She said, still eating.

"Ok, I will then"

"and Y/n if he doesn't like you after that, you're cutting strings with him...I'm not staying here watching you get hurt by him"


"No, buts Y/n" She said looking at me seriously. I nodded at her and began eating my food.

"When should I..."

"After school" She quickly replied , with food stuffed in her mouth. I widened my face growing nervous, Ruma noticed and gave me a bright smile.

"Don't worry, you're going to be fine, I'm here for you're dumbass" She said making me smile. She was like an older sister to me, even though she was just months older than me. She always had my back.


I was outside with Ruma waiting for Tsurugi to come out the school gates, we had been waiting for quite a long time, however soon he came out. I began to panic but heard Ruma saying " Don't worry I'm here for you, you got this". I nodded and walked toward Tsuguri.

"Tsurugi, do you have a moment" I said. He pulled off his headphones off and nodded at me.

"I-I wanted to t-tell you something" I said avoiding eye contact.

"Go on..." He said.

"I-I like you, Tsurugi," I said looking at him, hoping he would smile...

...However, his face remained with the same look...

"...Huh?" He said confused.

"I said, I like you, I've been liking you for a very long time" I said forcing a smile while growing nervous.

"...I don't like you" He simply said. Everyone was already looking at us.

"...O-ok...B-but what do you see me as..." I said fighting the tears back.

"Nobody...you're quite weird you know, you're just a little annoying" He said.

"...Then why did you keep me around, why didn't you just s-shut me off" I said confused.

"I tried but you wouldn't listen to me whenever I did, I tried so many times I just gave up and allowed you to do whatever..." He said looking at me emotionlessly. Tears ran down my cheek as I stood in front of him frozen, I felt humiliated and stupid

"Right, now how dare you say that about her when she's been liking you for 2 years... I never understood why she freaking liked a dude like you" I heard Ruma saying " She always said she found something 'unique' and 'cute' about you, and I'm very surprised that you don't have any feelings for her, you idiot, you're even lucky she likes you" Ruma said furiously.

" come on Y/n let's go, he doesn't deserve you " Ruma said as we walked away from a confused Tsuguri.


I cried and cried so much that tears stopped falling out of my eyes, I was devastated but I should have seen it coming.

"Was I soo stupid for loving him so much" I said looking at Ruma with my puffy eyes.

"A little bit, you see Y/n you're such a pure person you didn't see it coming, I wouldn't blame you for falling in love with him, you're still my little sister anyways, what can I say..." Ruma said. I smiled as she called me her little sister.

"Ahhh, I feel so embarrassed and hurt"

"Don't worry, he will regret it "She said looking at me.

"You think so " I said wiping my last tears away.

" Yh, I could already tell by his face, but you know what let's have some fun now" She said and we went to a park.


I decided to have lunch on the rooftop since Ruma had some work to do.

I opened the door but stopped in my tracks when I saw...Tsurugi. I was about to leave but heard him say.

"you don't have to leave, please"

I walked in and sat on a bench far away from him, there was an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry Y/n..." He simply said regretfully with a painful voice.



I'm thinking of doing part 2, but have no actual idea for it. Anyways see you in the next chapter.

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