Fudou Akio x Reader | Taken

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I was in my Chemistry lesson, learning about the reactivity of Metals.

"OK, class I'm going to put you in groups for this mini-project" The teacher said.

"Y/n, you will partner up with Zion...Ok guys, move next to you're partners"

I saw Zion approaching me, he pulled the empty chair next to me and sat on it. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Glad to have you as my partner, you're really smart" He said with a bright smile.

"Ohh, thank you, you're really smart too" I said with a soft smile. He was one of the smartest kids in the school, in fact he was the Class President.

"Ok, so let's get started with the project plan..." He said picking up a pen.

A few minutes later

"Guys...make sure to complete the project for next week, see you tomorrow" The teacher said dismissing us. I quickly packed my stuff and walked outside looking for someone.

I walked outside the room and turned the corner of the hallway and found Fudou leaning on the wall, with his arms crossed.

"Finally you're here, I've been waiting for you for so long" He said with an irritated tone. I chuckled and walked towards him, as he opened his arms to embrace me.

"Sorry, the teacher kept us behind" I said closing my eyes in his embrace. We pulled away and he grabbed my hand.

"Let's go then " He said and I nodded. We began making away outside the building but stopped when we heard someone calling my name.

"Y/nnn, wait! " I turned around to find Zion running towards me and Fudou.

"Zion...what is it?" I said confused.

"I wanted to ask you, when would you like to meet?" He said with a bright smile on his face.

I was confused for a few seconds but then remembered.

"Ahh for the project, we can do it at my place, the day after tomorrow I have a date with Fudou tomorrow" I said and Fudou began smirking.

"Ahh, can I have your number, you know so I can let you know when I'm around" Zion said scratching the back of his neck. Fudou gave him a questioning look.

"Yeah, sure" I said with a small smile, we exchanged our numbers before I left with Fudou.

"You know, I don't like that dude..." Fudou said placing his arm around my shoulder.

"Why is that..." I said confused.

"Him just asking for your number, knowing I'm right beside you..." he said.

"Silly, It's just for the project, I'll delete it as soon as we're done with it" I said smiling at him. He blushed and looked away.

"Look who's blushing" I said teasing him.

"Dumbass, I'm not" He said looking away. I pecked his cheek as he walked me home.


I was on a date with Fudou, when I received a text message from someone. I opened the text message and realised it was Zion. He had said hi and was complimenting me on my profile picture. I smiled and was about to reply to the text with a thank you when someone harshly snatched my phone out of my hands.

"Fudou, what are you doing, give me my phone back" I said trying to grab my phone, but he was taller than me.

"You smiling at texts now..."He said checking the message.

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