Chapter 3

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Friday seemed like ages away. Right now it was only Tuesday, and Kiyoshi didn't feel like he could wait 3 days. It was the most excited and nervous he'd felt about anything.

Kaito drove him to school, just like any other day. When they got out of the car it was snowing. Kaito quickly brushed his lips against Kiyoshi's, and then they both went inside.

It was warm inside, but Kiyoshi left his scarf on. He liked it that way. It was a nice deep blue that matched the color of his eyes. Plus Kaito always says he loves his scarves.

"I'll walk with you," came the voice of Kiyoshi's boyfriend. "'Kay, Kaito. I'd like that," he answered.

Kaito and Kiyoshi walked down the hall together, fingers intertwined. This didn't bother Kiyoshi though. Plenty of people around here held hands with people who were just their friends.

Kaito and Kiyoshi had the same first class. It was calculus with Mr.Quail. They both disliked math, but they enjoyed the class because it was the only one they had together.

The boys sat down at adjacent desks. Kaito was still holding Kiyoshi's hand, even though they were in a class. There had been a moment when Kaito's foot had wandered up Kiyoshi's leg, but Kiyoshi quickly motioned for him to stop. Kaito frowned, but drew away.

Just then the bell rang. "Class begins now!" Mr.Quail yelled. He got up from his desk and stomped to the front of the room. This class would just be another boring start to the day.

When class ended, Kiyoshi and Kaito exited together. "I'll see you at lunch," Kaito said. Before leaving he added, "And I want you for dessert."

Kiyoshi used his scarf to hide his smile (see, they do come in handy). He then left to go to his own class, which happened to be art.

Kiyoshi sat down in his assigned seat. Art was his favorite class. Ms.Wine, the art teacher, was nice. She was his favorite teacher, but Kiyoshi also just enjoyed drawing and painting.

"All right class! Today, we will be starting our newest assignment," Ms.Wine began. "Your job will be to draw a picture of someone you love. It can seriously be anyone: a friend, family member, significant other, et cetera. You will be graded on if it is accurately shaded. Oh, and you'll be using charcoal pencils for this project!"

Kiyoshi already knew exactly who he'd draw. He couldn't think of anyone better than Kaito. He could always do his parents, but he's already drawn them so many times before. It seemed fitting to draw Kaito this time instead.

Ms.Wine handed each student a few pieces of paper to experiment with. Without any further instruction, Kiyoshi began drawing.

By the end class Kiyoshi already had a pretty good outline of Kaito drawn. He planned to draw him smiling his precious smile and laying down in a meadow. Kiyoshi wished he could actually see Kaito lay down in a meadow, though Kaito only seems interested in laying down in Kiyoshi's bed.

Kiyoshi's next class was French. Nothing very interesting happened, but he did learn how to say "But you're much too young to be a doctor!" Let's just say his French class was filled with plenty of annoying chicks. And he was sure that each one of them loved Kaito, but could care less about himself.

Then he was off to American history with Mrs.Fat (that was her real last name). He hated history. He didn't understand why he had to learn about random people who died years ago anyway. All Kiyoshi wanted was for history to be over. Then he could go to lunch and see Kaito.

Kiyoshi was relieved when the bell rang. He went back to his locker as fast as he could, which wasn't really fast since people kept pushing him. How was it possible that he was the boyfriend of the most popular guy in school?

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