Chapter 5

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Note: I like writing cliffhangers, so there will be many chapters that begin exactly where the last one let off. If you don't remember what happened in the last chapter, you may need a recap. Anyway, happy reading ;)

---Crona :P


"No," Kiyoshi said. "You can't tell anyone, not even Sophie Dale."

That wasn't what bothered Kaito. He could care less if Sophie knew or not. What he wanted to know was why Kiyoshi had been shut up in his room, bawling away.

"Kiyo, please tell me why you were crying," Kaito said for the fourth time. Kiyoshi's response was no different. He just looked away and pouted. His face was still stained from tears. Nothing would get him to speak more than a word or two.

Kaito turned Kiyoshi's head to face him. Now they were both looking deeply into each other's eyes. Kiyoshi had actually stopped crying. Kaito couldn't help but feel accomplished. He also couldn't resist the urge to kiss Kiyoshi right then.

This kiss was short, but it was meaningful. Kiyoshi winced as Kaito's lips touched his own. The kiss should have made him feel better, but it didn't. He shut his mouth tight in hope that Kaito might pull away.

Kaito did. "What was that? Usually you're all over that tongue."

Kiyoshi didn't respond. He just looked down sadly. There was so much he wanted to say, but couldn't. So much he wanted to do, but couldn't. Now wasn't the right time. Right now he just wanted some time to cry it out. Maybe it would help, but he honestly didn't know. He'd never felt this sad before. So all he did was stuff his face into Kaito's shirt and cried.

Kaito ran his hand through Kiyoshi's long brown hair. "Please. I can't help you if you don't tell me. And I need to help you, because I am your boyfriend and this is my duty," he said.

Kiyoshi got off of Kaito. He used his scarf to while the tears from his face. "It's just that it was the first day you never did anything with me after school. And, well... you said you were going to see a girl. And I thought, maybe you really don't love me."

"Oh, Kiyo," Kaito began. "You're so damn cute, it's annoying. Did you know that? But the good thing about loving someone is knowing how to deal with that. Kiyo, sometimes you annoy me to hell, but I never mind. Because I love you and that's what matters. The only reason I saw Sophie was to talk, that's all. But the only person I could ever picture myself with is you."

"Really?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Realky," Kaito answered, placing a kiss on his forehead.

Kiyoshi leaned his head on Kaito's shoulder. It was nice to know how much Kaito loved him (not nice to know how annoying he apparently was, though).

Without thinking, Kiyoshi took his head off of Kaito's shoulder and kissed him instead. Kaito was surprised, but very pleased. He brought his hands to the back of Kiyoshi's neck and pulled himself closer.

Kiyoshi's fingers were tangled in Kaito's shaggy black hair. His lips were sore and his tongue was tired, but he wouldn't stop kissing Kaito, not unless his life depended on it.

Kiyoshi fell back onto his bed. Kaito was know ontop of him, still kissing with all his might. He slid his hands underneath Kiyoshi's shirt. He could feel every muscle in his chest and abs. Kaito just got closer to Kiyoshi in every way possible.

Then they heard the door open.

CRONA: Aw snap! They just got busted!

Anyway, i'll post chapter 6 soon, but I don't know when. Please leave comments and comments galore! I like comments XD

Until next time,

Crona <3

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