Chapter 15

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"Hey Mom! Hey Dad! Me and Kaito are back!" Kiyoshi shouted when the boys entered the Casper home. "Hello," said James, who was sitting on the living room couch, reading a newspaper. He hasn't bothered to look up from the article he was deep within. He just appeared to be very bored.

Kaito followed Kiyoshi into the kitchen. They both set their school stuff down. Kaito then when over to take a seat at the island. Kiyoshi, however, walked over to the freezer and grabbed a container of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Mmm, my favorite!" Kaito licked his lips as he eyes the frozen treat. "Want some too?" Kiyoshi asked, scooping some of the ice cream into a large bowl. "Yes I want some!" Kaito cheered, practically drooling.

Kiyoshi didn't get a second bowl for Kaito. Instead he just added more ice cream to the bowl he already had. He grabbed a spoon from one of the many drawers before returning to his boyfriend.

Kiyoshi scooped up some ice cream with the spoon. "Open wide," he told Kaito. Kaito did what he was asked, and Kiyoshi shoved the contents of the spoon into his mouth.

"You like?" Kiyoshi questioned. Kaito nodded, but he wasn't thinking of the ice cream exclusively. "I think you should try some," he suggested. He seized the spoon and scooped some ice cream into his own mouth. Before swallowing, he gave Kiyoshi a kiss.

"Delicious and superb!" Kiyoshi agreed. He gave a soft-sweet smile that made Kaito's heart melt. "You are too cute," Kaito said, going to feed Kiyoshi more of the minty treat.

Things shifted when Kaito "accidentally" missed Kiyoshi's mouth when trying to feed him ice cream. The desert was now smeared on his mouth and chin.

Kaito couldn't hold back his giggles. "Do you have any cherries I can put on you, my sweet little sundae?" he joked. Kiyoshi's cheeks flared red. "It's like magic!" Kaito pointed out, seeing how Kiyoshi's blush resembled the red of a cherry.

Kiyoshi threw ice cream back in Kaito's face. "Oh, you did not just go there!" Kaito announced. Kiyoshi smiled. "I went there."

The boys messed around more with the ice cream. James eventually found them and forced them to clean up their mess, but that didn't happen until after an ice cream-filled kiss.

"That was delicious," Kaito remarked, as he scrubbed ice cream from the chair he was previously sitting on. "Definitely," Kiyoshi agreed.

Kaito's phone suddenly beeped. He knew that meant he'd just gotten a text message. He grabbed his phone from his pocket to check it. The message was from Lila. It read:

"Mama wants u home b4 6. Guess youll have 2 find another time 2 hang w/ ur bf.

--Lila *The Amazing* White"

Kaito growled. "What is it?" Kiyoshi asked in a small, shy voice. "My mom says I have to be home before six," Kaito told him. "That gets in the way of our plans."

"What were those plans?" Kiyoshi asked. "Just some naughty canoodling," Kaito whispered, grinning devilishly. "Sometimes I hate you even when I love you," was Kiyoshi's response.

The boys headed to Kiyoshi's room. Once they were there, Kaito took off his shoes and jacket before jumping onto the bed.

"Come join me," he said seductively, motioning to the empty portion of the bed. Kiyoshi took off his shoes and t-shirt before curling up beside Kaito in the bed.

"Now we only have a few hours, so we're gonna have to be quick," Kaito said, sarcastically. "Haha," Kiyoshi spoke in monotone.

Kiyoshi lay his head on his boyfriend's chest and wrapped an arm around Kaito. "I can't even imagine how it will feel like when you're gone," he said. "It'll feel like loosing a best friend, brother, and lover all at once. Except I don't have any brothers or friends. Just you. So you mean everything to me."

Kaito smiled. "I may be popular and have a sister, but they don't compare to you. No offense to Lila or anything. I just love her in a completely different way.

"Do you want to know the real reason I told I loved you when I did?"

Kiyoshi stared at him. He'd never even assumed there was a real reason. He just believed it was something you had to eventually come out with.

Kaito went on anyway: "I had lost a friend recently. She died in a car crash. She was nothing too special to me, but I was still upset that I never got to tell her how much she meant to me. She was one of the best friends I've ever had, right next to you. And that incident got me thinking, what if something happened to you before I ever got to say I loved you? I could never live with that. So I made sure to tell you while I still could. You never know what could take someone's life away."

Kiyoshi couldn't help but feel sympathetic. He never knew about this person's death, and it obviously made a big impact on Kaito's life.

"Kaito," Kiyoshi whispered, "can you tell me who that was?"

Kaito swallowed. "Her name was Claire Atkinson. She grew up in my neighborhood, so we became good friends. Then she started dating a boy named Axel. He changed everything. He was a drug addict and an alcoholic. He crashed the car that Claire died in."

"I'm so sorry," Kiyoshi comforted him. He gave him hugs and kisses and did all in his power to make Kaito feel better.

"Hey Kaito?" Kiyoshi wondered.

"What is it?" Kaito asked.

"What else do you know about that boy Axel?"

Kaito froze. "Why do you ask?"

"I can tell you know more," Kiyoshi said. "Just by the way you say his name and the face you make. I know it means something bad, too."

Kaito sighed. "You're right," he admitted. "I know more, but it isn't my right to talk about it. I really don't think it should be brought up."

"Ok, fair enough," said Kiyoshi. He gave Kaito a kiss. It was intended to be small, but Kaito wouldn't allow Kiyoshi to draw back.

Kaito might be late getting back home that evening.

CRONA: you like? Hope you do! What's in the next chapter: some naughty stuff and maybe more on Axel. I'm not sure so don't trust that last statement. But you can expect there to be canoodling!

Much Love,


P.S. I think I really overuse the words canoodle/ing :P

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