Chapter 1

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Kiyoshi played with his pen as he watched the clock. It would only be a few minutes until school was over. Kiyoshi's favorite part of the day was always right after school, when he and his best friend, Kaito, got to hang out. Everyday they would go some place different just to escape life for awhile.

The bell rang and Kiyoshi rushed out to his locker. Many people ran into him, but he didn't really care. He'd gotten used to it by now. You always get used to it when you've always been the smallest and least popular. The only one who cared for him were his parents and Kaito.

After Kiyoshi got his things, he passed through the crowds of annoying high schoolers to find Kaito. He has accidentally hit someone with his bad though. "Sorry!" Kiyoshi apologized, but the kid had already ran away, cursing.

Kiyoshi was relieved when he finally found Kaito. He was waiting in their usual meeting space, right by the school's back door. He smiled when Kiyoshi came by.

"Hey Kiyo!" Kaito called out. "Hi," Kiyoshi whispered back. He smiled a nervous smile, but was soon attacked by Kaito's hand rubbing his head vigorously. This caused Kiyoshi to blush a little. He tried using his scarf to hide his reddening face.

"Don't do that," Kaito said, pulling Kiyoshi's scarf of his face. "Aw, you're blushing!" he giggled. Kiyoshi frowned at this. "Sorry, it's just so cute," Kaito remarked. Kiyoshi raised an eyebrow. "It's what?"

Instead of replying, Kaito grabbed Kiyoshi's hand and dragged him outside. "It's so cold!" Kiyoshi complained. "That's winter," Kaito replied. "Come on, the car's right there."

Kiyoshi followed him to the car. He climbed into the passenger seat and placed his bag on the floor infront of the seat. He used his phone as a mirror so he could fix his dark brown hair, which Kaito had messed up earlier. Kiyoshi always worked hard to make his hair look nice, but Kaito always messes it up. He says it looks better that way. Kiyoshi really doesn't think so.

"Where are we going now?" Kiyoshi asked Kaito. "Home. Well, my house," he answered. "I thought we could play a game."

Kiyoshi's face lit up. "I love games! It is a board game?" he asked.

Kaito's expression remained blank. "You'll see."

When the boys got to Kaito's house no one was home. "Perfect," he commented. This worried Kiyoshi a little, but he didn't say anything.

Kiyoshi put his stuff in Kaito's room. Kaito came in behing him and slammed the door shut.

Before Kiyoshi could asked about their "game," Kaito had pushed him down on the bed.

"What the h--?" Kiyoshi began, but before he could finish Kaito was slowly bringing his lips toward Kiyoshi's...


Yes, this is yaoi! I apologize if you don't like it, or if I accidentally scar you while I write this story! I'll try to make it bearable for all!

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