Chapter 19

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Sophie Dale hated having Valentine's Day on a school day. She'd much rather stay home and watch romantic comedies all day with Carl. He might not enjoy that too much, but he liked spending time with Sophie.

Sophie waited outside for Carl to come pick her up. It was cold, but she couldn't wait inside. Both her parents had to work early so no one was home. That's why Carl had to take her to school.

She soon spotted a red Sedan driving down her street. She instantly recognized it as Carl Landon's car. She waved as the vehicle neared her home.

"Hi!" she called, before skipping over to the car. She sat in the passenger seat, just next to Carl. "Hey," he greeted. He then leaned in to give her a kiss.

When he pulled away, he was holding a bright red object in his hands. "Is that for me?" Sophie asked, pointing to the object. Carl nodded, smiling.

He handed it to her. It was a small red box with a silver ribbon tied around it. Sophie untied the ribbon and peered inside the box.

Her mouth fell open as she saw what was inside. "Earrings?" she gasped. "These are diamond earrings. But how'd you afford them? They must've cost a fortune!"

Carl placed a finger on her mouth to shush her. "It's okay," he said. "My sister works at a jewelry store, so I get a discount. It wasn't too bad a price."

Carl took his finger off of Sophie's mouth just to see her frowning. "Now my present won't be as good as yours," she complained. "Don't say that," Carl told her. "I haven't even seen it yet."

Sophie let out a sign, but reached into her bad to get the present. It was in a small green bag, no larger than her hand. "Here," she said, handing it to Carl.

His eyes instantly widened in amazement. He reached down into the bag and pulled out its contents: a chocolate heart, a love letter, and a compass. This wasn't just any compass, though. It was intricately decorated and very beautiful. Sophie knew Carl would like it since he had an interest in sailing.

Tears of joy rolled down Carl's face as he read the letter aloud:

"Dear Carl,

I know this isn't too much, but it's filled with my love and passion for you as I hope that counts for something. Weeks ago I would've never imagined myself with someone, and especially not anyone as great as you. Thanks for making me wrong.

Yours truly,


Carl smiled. "Thank you too."

McKayla waited anxiously for Allie to arrive at school. They agreed to come early to exchange Valentine's Day gifts. McKayla was excited. She just hoped her gift would make Allie smile. That's all she asked for.

A smile beamed across McKayla's face when Allie entered the school building. "Hello!" McKayla called to her. Allie smiled when she saw her girlfriend. "Hey, McKayla," she said.

They sat down together at a table in the cafeteria. "Is that for me?" Allie asked, eyeing the large pink bag McKayla had with her. "Ya," she answered nervously.

She picked up the bag and handed it to Allie. "For you," McKayla said.

Allie tore out the layers of tissue paper to see what was underneath. She was extremely happy to see it was a photo frame, that contained many small frames within it. Each one held a picture of one of McKayla and Allie's many happy memories together.

"It's wonderful," Allie told her girlfriend. She gave McKayla a kiss in gratitude. "Thank you so much."

Allie grabbed onto McKayla's hand before giving her her own gift. Allie grabbed the yellow heart-shaped box and gave it to McKayla. "Open up," Allie said.

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