94 | the one with a chain reaction

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The One With A Chain Reaction

(One That's Unexpected)

"Hell is when I dreamt of holding you in my arms, loving you endlessly and waking up to reality in a half empty bed."

— S. L.


make your guess of what you think the plot of this chapter will be based on the title!

this chapter really is all over the place

as always, i ask that y'all please keep up with the comments! y'all have been commenting so much lately and i'm loving the discussion! seriously, it makes me so happy to see :)

enjoy! X

enjoy! X

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The day Arielle was here talking to Hayes, I was—of course—perched opposite the basement door, listening in to everything she was saying.

I heard her talk about a new job. Something about modeling at car expos. I'll admit, I think the job is beneath her. She's beautiful enough to be a fucking supermodel. There's no doubt about that, I think everyone that looks at her would think the same thing.

She also talked about a couple new friends—Nadia and Jin? If I'm recalling their names correctly. I'm unsure of who they are, but I can't lie. I'm a bit suspicious of anybody new in her life. I know how much influence Ezra has and how badly he wants to fuck up her life. Who's to say he didn't plant these people there so he always has eyes on her without her even realizing it? It's totally within his realm of tricks he holds up his sleeve.

She also talked of the kitten. She named him Storm, surely after the patch on his chest. I can't begin to explain how happy it makes me to know that she kept him and that he seems to be helping her in these long months. That was my only intention when I first spotted the ad for him online.

She seems to really have a soft spot for the animal. I can't wait for him to meet his daddy in a more proper way. His mum and I will treat him like the Malik—the King—he is.

I heard Hayes showing her some evidence, as well. Although I obviously wasn't able to see what he was showing her, after she left, I asked if he would show me what she saw. It was nothing—a bunch of shit that it appears he concocted to continue the charade.

I was upset with him over fabricating evidence. I understand its purpose and why he did it, but it just seemed so cold and calculated. It seemed manipulative to play on her trust and show her shit that was fake—that was produced with the sole purpose of making sure she believes his lies. It's safe to say he didn't get my okay before doing so and I've strictly forbid him from doing so in the future.

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