7 | the one where she's rattled

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The One Where She's Rattled

"The past is like using your rear–view mirror in the car. It's good to glance back and see how far you've come, but if you stare too long you'll miss what's right in front of you." — Unknown


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When I roll out of bed the next morning, there's a blissful ache between my thighs and I've slept a solid eleven hours from the exhaustion of being spent. It reminds me of the evening I had with Zayn and how after he was sure I was satisfied—which fuck, was I ever—he left with a swift kiss to my lips and an embrace which ended with my ass squeezed in between his hands.

I could get used to this whole fuck buddy thing.

I end up taking a quick shower and reliving those moments until I know that I have to get out because I have shit to do. Before leaving the house, I grab a muffin from my island and am about to head out to my car before I hear a clearing throat and turn towards the sound, mid–bite.

Chase stands there smiling. "Good morning." He licks his lips, unable to hide the smile on his face. As I sigh and roll my eyes, he slips his jacket on while waiting for my response.

 As I sigh and roll my eyes, he slips his jacket on while waiting for my response

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"Morning, Chase." I ignore the fact that he's smirking at me. "Were—were you here last night?" My mind rushes with the realization that Zayn and I were anything but quiet yesterday evening, and Chase's bedroom isn't far from mine. But then again, whenever he's had a lady friend over, he's never quiet. In fact, he tends to bring over screamers.

Either that, or he's really good in bed.

Chase nods his head and then holds his chin in between his thumb and forefinger quizzically. "Yeah, there was this odd banging sound. Did we adopt a woodpecker last night?"

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