Chapter 2

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I wake up and get dressed for breakfast at Zoe and Alfie's house. It's 8:30 am and I start to walk to their house. I see their house and knock on the door a man opened the doer with brown eyes and brown hair "hey I'm Alfie you must be Violet" "yeah call me vi" I walk inside and se Zoe playing with the cutest puppy in the world the dog runs over to me "hey girl it's a girl right?" "Yeah it is her name is Nala she is a pug" "I love her" Zoe and I walk into the dining room and have breakfast it's was delicious we finish breakfast and sit down in the lounge room Nala sits on my lap we talk for hours Zoe's phone rings she answers and she screams "what is it?" "Alfie and I are invited to a festival we will be v.i.p" "we get to bring a plus one would you like to come all of our friends will be there" "sure why not when do we leave?" "In a couple of hours" "what really okay well I will pack and meet you back here in an hour if that's okay" "of corse it is we can't wait to spend time with you" they both smile at me.

I get back home and walk into my room i grab my suitcase which I just unpacked only yesterday I put some clothes in and the new dress I got and the shoes I finish packing and I get a message from Zoe
Zozoboo:are you ready gurl it's time to go we'll drive past and pick you up
Me:okay haha I will cya soon
I walk out the front of my house and see Zoe and Alfie's car the pull up out the front of my house. Alfie grabs my bag and puts it in with theirs "hey Zoe are you excited to go" "yeah I sure am" "how about you Alfie?" I ask "yeah my excitement is through the roof" we all laugh. "So vi when we get there you will have to meet my friends and my brother" "oh okay ya that's okay I can't wait". The drive is not too long but I end up falling asleep anyway, we get to know each other more on the way and we laugh a lot.

Once we get there it is dark so we just go straight to where we are staying "where are we staying?" "Oh at the YouTube house" "YouTube house?" "It's just a big house but all of my friends are youtubers mostly and we stay there" "oh okay that makes sense" "okay vi there are 4 floors me alfie, Marcus and Naomi, are on the second first floor. Dan and phil, Louise and Darcy are on the third and un fortunately your on the same floor as Caspar and joe" Zoe say turning her head towards me. "oh okay then" "is that alright with you" Alfie asks "yeah all g bro"

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