Chapter 5

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"Well it's been fun but I'm gunna have to go to bed before I pass out right here" "ah okay well I'll walk you up to your room Vi" I get up from the counter and walk slowly up the stairs I get to my door and look at Joe "I had a good time thanks" I say politely "yeah I like hanging out with you" before I knew it Joe leaned towards me and kissed me I was taken by surprise but I kiss him again. I smile afterwards and so does he "Joe we can't tell Zoe or anyone I love her to much okay?" "Okay then but it's gunna be a challenge we will eventually tell her right?" "Well duh we will have to" "okay good" "night joe" "night vi" I walk into my room and get into bed and go to sleep wait I can't sleep I just kissed Joe fuck.

I roll over and look at my phone 3:00am "ah shit" I walk out of my room touching the cold wooden floor I walk across to joes room and open the door seeing him asleep I laugh quietly he is in the dumbest position in the world his legs are hanging over the side of the bed and one of his arms are out of his sleeve and the other is over his face I walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder "Joe?" "Mmhmm" "you promise not to tell anyone right?" "Yeah I won't do anything when everyone is around but I'll text you though" "okay then I'm sorry we have to do this but I don't want to hurt Zoe unless we get more serious" "I love you violet" "I love you too joe" I kiss his forehead and walk out of the room.

I sleep for and hour and just lay in bed til 6:00am I get up and change into proper clothes cause we are going to the festival again today. I walk down the stairs and go watch TV there is nothing interesting on so I switch to the children's programs and I see sponge bob square pants is on I just sit there watching that at least I like that unlike other boring shows which are boring. someone walks down the stairs its Caspar "oh hey" "how did you sleep vi?" "Ha what even is sleep" "I take that as not well want some coffee?" "Yass bitch" "okay then you are obviously deprived of sleep" he make some coffee for both of us and sits next to me on the lounge.

"So why didn't you sleep well last night?" "Oh you know the usual just over thinking and I was on Twitter" I lie "oh fair enough happens all the time well to me at least" "so why are you up so early?" "Well I heard the sponge bob theme song and I wanted to come watch" "from all the way up stairs?" "No I lied I heard someone's door open and close so I thought I would keep them company" "oh okay then". We sit there for a while and I look at the time again 8:30am "okay I'm gunna wake up everyone wanna help?" "Okay" we both get up and I run into Zoe's room "get up get up!" "Ugh why" Alfie says sitting up "its 8:30 we leave in 2 hours" Zoe jumps up and goes into the bathroom. I walk out and run up the stairs to joes room I burst through the door "morning!" I open the curtains and the sun beams in.

"Ahh the sun!" Joe yells "you have to get up" "lay down with me" "no" I lay down next to him and play with my bracelet "Joe are you up yet!" I jump off the bed and see Caspar walk into the room "oh good your awake I wanted to jump on you but anyway" thanks fuck he didn't walk in any earlier. I walk out of him and put my hair in a high pony tail and walk back down stairs I'm on the second floor and I open dans door he is still asleep not for long. "Dan!" "What?!" "Your gonna be late!" "Why the fuck didn't you get me up earlier" "I'm joking you have one and a half hours before you leave" "you're a bitch you know that" "that's what they tell me" I walk out laughing. I go into the lounge room and sit down almost everyone in in here talking or on their laptops or phones. I see Joe before I could walk over to him dan and phil sit beside me.

I pull out my phone and text him instead.
Me: hey xx
Joe: who even are you
Me: haha your funny...not
Joe: haha I wish I could hug you right now
Me: yeah but it's okay
Joe: are we still going in the same car
Me: yeah duh
Joe: okay cool I can hold your hand then ;)
Me: okay cheeky
Joe: I love you x
Me: I love you too loser :)

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