Chapter 13

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I was just sitting on the couch well Zoe's but anyway "so what are we going to do now?" I look over at Zoe who is playing with Nala. "hmm" she looks over at Alfie then smirks "have you ever been to London?" she looks a me inquisitively "no I haven't why?" she smiles "well let's go then for the weekend"

"um okay then why not" I smile at her "when are we leaving?" she looks over to Alfie then turns back to me "how quick can you pack your bags?" I think for a bit "20 minutes" she nods "we leave in 30 minutes" I nod and race out the door.

I  quickly open up my suitcase and I throw random bits of clothing in it I pack my toiletries bag and zip up my suit case I grab a handbag and throw some headphones and other things like chewing gum chargers my wallet and chap stick.

I race out my door and get to Zoe and Alfie's, I put my bag in the boot and get in the car with Alfie and Zoe in the front "ARE YOU READY GOO!" Alfie yelled as I put on my seatbelt "yep and do you want me to ring up and book us into a hotel?" I pull out my phone "no I already rang up a place to stay it was cool because I got a deal because I know the person that was behind the desk"

"oh yeah what is their name?" I ask "Mr Lee" she giggled "was he Chinese?" Alfie laughs "that's racist Violet!" "well then what race is he?" Zoe slapped Alfie to make him stop laughing. "he is south African" I nod and sit back in my seat putting my head phones on and listened to music while looking out the window.

*1 hour later*

I wake up as we are stopping out the front of this house "um guys this isn't a hotel" Zoe just laughs How much is this costing?" I pull my bag out of the boot "its free" Alfie smiled "oh no you sent me here to get killed there are going to be murderers inside and we are all going to die" I start freaking out.

"no we wont just go" Zoe points towards the gate. I walked through the gate and walked into the front door then I feel someone walk into me "OMG IM GOING TO DIE YOU GUYS MIGHT DIE AFTER ME RUN!!!" I yell looking back at them as the person I ran into wrapped their arms around me trying to Violet nap me.

I look up and see Caspar laughing, he is laughing so hard he is probably about to pee himself. I step back and start pouting "I don't like you guys" I look back at Alfie and Zoe who are also laughing "I forgot that you lived here and you're room mates with Joe" I look past him.

"oh right Joe isn't here at the moment but he will be back very soon I'll show you guys to your room" I nod and follow Caspar then it hit me it took me a while but I got it Mr Lee was Caspar his last name is Lee and he is South African.

"Zoe and Alfie this is your room well it is actually mine but I will sleep on the couch so yeah" Zoe shakes her head "you don't have to give up your room plus it will smell" she says screwing up her nose "no it actually doesn't smell and I don't mind" Caspar smiles.

"and this is where you will be staying" Caspar opens the door to a bedroom with a queen size bed with a stripy cover "someone else is staying in here aren't they?" Caspar looks down at his feet "yeah Joe" "oh okay then" I pit my bag against the wall "now Violet don't be doing any naughty business with Joe" caspar wriggles his eyebrows and I punch him in the arm.

I walk up the stairs and into the lounge room and it was really good timing because Joe walks into the door as I walk into the room he sees me and gives me a huge hug "What are you doing here" he asks still hugging me I didn't get to answer because I was pushed to the ground "ow Joe!"

then I looked over to the stairs and seen Zoe standing there "w-we weren't hugging nope no touching uhuh" Zoe giggled and shook her head "its okay Joe you can hug your girlfriend and by the way I was the one who brought her up here" joe helped me up and hugged me again and then kissed me.

this is going to be a good weekend


sorry for the short chapter lol xx.


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