Chapter 11

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-Joe's pov-
I just let her walk out the door damn. "hey Zoe it's not just her fault I love her and she makes me happy and I make her happy" I stood up from the table "she betrayed my trust who does she think she is" I shake my head. " we wanted to keep it a secret cause she knew how you would react and she was right. The only reason she told you guys was because she hated lying to you"

Alfie was still shocked "well to be completely honest I'm happy for you Joe as long as you are happy and she is a nice girl so go for it" I smiled at him and he sit back down we all look to the end of the table where Caspar stood in a suit? "Did you change?" Yeah well only my shirt and put on a jacket" he stepped to the side and he was in his boxers

That was more like it "well I have something serious to say" Caspar coughed "I think that violet is still like your sister but potentially more so now and you shouldn't hate her because she loves Joe you can't help who you love" I was shocked by this it was Caspar not some proper guy what who was this.

"How would it feel if one of your closest friends hated you for loving Alfie? yeah it wouldn't feel very nice" we all stood there shocked at Caspar as he sat down. I look back at Zoe "no I still don't want you to be with her I'm sorry but no not happening you or her are gonna get hurt and I don't want that so back off Joe"

She spoke sternly "okay Zoe I'm going to my room I have to film a video for suggsunday" I smiled at her. I walked up the stairs I set up my camera thinking of what to do for a video. I feel my pocket vibrate I pull out my phone

Violet: hey joe, I'm sorry if I got you in trouble but I need to see you.
Me: it's fine and give me your address and I'll come and see you now.
Violet: sounds good it's written on the piece of paper on Zoe's bench.
Me: okay see you soon x.
-End of pov-

I wait for Joe as I sit on my bed nerves building inside of me I wanted to be with Joe but Zoe didn't want me to and I broke her trust well I can tell one thing it was going to be a hell of an interesting Christmas.

I hear a knock at my door I run and open it stepping out side "sorry you can't come in my place is extremely messy" I giggle "that's okay" I look at Joe "look Joe I love you and I want to be with you but if you don't because of Zoe and how she disapproves that's fine" he shook his head "that's silly I love you and of course I want to be with you your my beautiful girlfriend"

Joe smiled kissing me "we should make her see how much I love you and she might change her mind" I agreed with him but how? "Well babe I gotta go but I'll text you later" he pecked me on the lips and left.

Joe left and I decided to watch Joe's last vlog he put up of the last day of the festival. I noticed that I was in the background messing around with Caspar and dancing with Zoe in some of the vlog I smiled at him he entertained many people and made them laugh I was proud of him.

I fell asleep on my lounge thinking of Joe.

I wake up at 12:30pm "oh shit" I pressed the home button on my phone I had some messages on my phone.

Joe: morning beautiful how are you this morning?
Joe: do you want me to stop by before I go
Joe: I'm going now I love you babe text me when you wake up I know you would've slept in :)
Caspar: it was nice meeting I'll you see you next time I'll see you probably soon ;)

I decided to answer them
Me: haha I did sleep in. hope you had a safe train ride love you :).
Me: it was nice meeting you to Caspar I might see you if I go to London to see Joe not you :).
I get a reply seconds later I thought it was Joe but it wasn't
Caspar: Vi check Joe's YouTube right now! And that's a bit hurtful.

I didn't reply i just went on YouTube and searched his name I clicked on his channel and his latest video which was called 'reason why I love her'. I pressed play.

"Hello guys welcome back for another Sugg Sunday special. today I'm doing a different video here goes" then the words 'thantcherjoe' pops up on the screen "okay so I have some news and you guys are either going to be happy or happy about this. I am so Joe Sugg dating Violet Portor" I started blushing.

"These are the reason why I love her. 1) her eyes they are extremely blue even more blue and they are brighter than Nash Grier and troys Sivan put together. 2) she has the prettiest smile it could end a war and start world peace and lights up the whole room. 3) her accent, violet if you are watching this don't hate me but its cute how you try to insult me but I can't take it offensive it just too cute".

He started blushing "4) your humour is dry and sarcastic we have our own inside jokes and you laugh at my jokes and if they are dumb you tell me that they are 5) your personality you are like the girly female less repelling me." it was like my heart was smiling. "there are more reasons but those are my main ones I love you Violet" he ended the video.

I'm so glad I have Joe as a boyfriend there is one problem I had to leave in 11 months yes it's a long time but what if we got serious. I have to move back home and get a job and. ugh I'll just forget about that for now just think of me Joe and- Zoe will see this she might understand I got a whole lot happier so I went for a walk and decided to go to the beach.
Well there you go chapter 11 hope you like this chapter Caspar was smart and adult like in this chapter and acting all not like Caspar xx.

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