Chapter 9

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Joe walks over and sits next to me, Caspar is smirking at both of us "you right mate?" Joe looks straight at Caspar raising his eyebrows I lean over and whisper to Joe "he knows about us that's why he is looking at us like that" a sign of relief was on his face "good I thought he was hitting on you that's all" I just laughed and gave Joe his phone "oh my flipping god you guy put 308 seconds worth of snapchats on my story oh good lord".

Caspar and I both start cracking up laughing, Joe starts to pout and makes puppy eyes "you love it" I smiled putting my hands under my chin smiling "mmhm" I stand up and brush some grass off of me "I'm going for a walk wanna come?" Joe nods and stands up.

As we get out of sight we intertwine our fingers and walk along we stay silent I then feel someone tap me on the shoulder I turn around and see a smiling dan. shit. "Um hey uh we-" I looked down "don't tell anyone we want them to find out by us telling them" "yeah yeah I know I know calm yourself I won't I'm a great person I would never" lucky "thanks" Joe and I say synchronised "aw you guys are just the cutest" he gushes "wait have you guys kissed?"

Joe rolls his eyes and I speak up "well yeah um phil kinda walked in on us kissing" I feel heat rush to my cheeks "mm so we are gonna go you're making us feel uncomfortable" I giggle as quietly as possible I say good bye and we walk away holding hands again.

We find ourselves in the middle of a rose garden and it's starting to get dark by the time we got there (because we were walking very slow) all of the little fairy lights lighted up the rose bushes Joe hugged me close we pulled apart after a good 7 minutes.

Joe cups my face and kisses me I kiss back, we pull away we both slightly blush "I've had fun while I've been here thanks Joe" I smiled sitting down on the grass and Joe sat in front of me "so I'm not sure or I have forgotten but how long are you going to be in this country?" I look up at Joe and stare into his eyes "for a year" Joe just nods.

"What's it like back in your country and town" well it's boring but in my house its dramatic and I just wanted to get away from that so I went here for a year "uh its just like here but it's hot back home" we both laugh I tried to bring out the brighter side of my home but I knew better it wasn't like this.

We decide to walk back to everyone we both stand up and before we can hold hands again three girls walk well run the little hearts out towards us well Joe "omg! Joe! I love you!" One girl yelled "have my babies!" Another girl yelled. 1) you are like 12 you shouldn't have babies at that age 2) Joe is 22 years old and 3)Joe is mine. I win.

The last girl was just crying I think she could be emotionally unstable that's a big possibility but they could also be happy tears but then again she is not smiling I'm confused. they take photos with Joe and walk away they didn't acknowledge me so that's good I didn't really want those girls to be judging me.

We walked back to our group and we made sure we still weren't holding hands. Joe and I both got smirks from Caspar, Dan and Phil I shifted uncomfortably as all 3 pairs of eyes were on me. Zoe grabbed my wrist "let's dance" Zoe and I were dancing and singing along with the song and heaps of songs after it for about 2 hours we sat back down and got a drink.

"Well I think that if its okay I might head back to the house cause it's getting late and I have to pack my bag" I got some nods and 'yeah' so we all head off to the cars and it's a bit chilly in the car on the leather seats I start to shiver. "a bit cold?" I nod and Zoe turns back around to the front.

Joe and Caspar both get in at the same time and I feel a bit warmer now because of their body heat. As we pull up out the front of the house Alfie stalls the car and I can't help but laugh me and Caspar were the only ones to laugh Zoe was just in shock and Joe basically shit himself.

I run up the stairs and then fall over the top step I just lay there for a few minutes then Joe walks up behind me "woah what are you doing on the floor?" I roll over on my back "oh you know just thought that the ground needed some love just seeing how the floors day was and stuff" Joe looked down at me confused "right. did you hit you head?" I jumped up and shook my head "nah all good mate"

Joe laughed "what's so funny" "it's not funny it cute though" I rolled my eyes I knew exactly what he was talking about but asked anyway "what's cute?" "Your accent" I rolled my eyes again and blushed Joe then kissed me. "break it up guys" Caspar pushed past us we pulled apart and we walked into our separate rooms.

I had a shower washed my hair and got changed into my pyjamas I started packing my bags then I heard a knock at my door "come in" Zoe walks in and sits on my bed "so do you need any help" she smiled brightly "no thanks I'm pretty good I've had lots of fun while I was here thanks for inviting me"
"It's my pleasure I was so happy now I have another lovely best friend and we can go on more of these trips together well sister cause I've got to know you so well over these past few days and I feel like I've known you for years"

I get up and hug Zoe and she walks out I finish packing I look at the time 2:30am I sneak out of my room to across the hallway to Joe's room just as I'm about to knock Caspar sticks his head out the door "oooh what are you doing" I roll my eyes at him "just saying good night to Joe. now go to bed Caspar" I laugh "okay night vi"

I open the door and I walk in on Joe smelling his shirt "um I was just seeing if it was clean so I could wear it to bed" I start smirking "well I have a solution just don't wear a shirt to bed" it would be a lot easier for him and plus I got to see his body for longer he nods and gets into bed. I crawl in next to him "I love you violet" he kisses my forehead "I love you too joe" I move my head up and kiss his cheek.

I walk towards the door "see you in the morning babe" I say as I walk out I run into a bowl full of cereal and the bowl, cereal and milk is all over me I look up from the ground which somehow I ended up on falling over at one point and I look up and see the one and only.Caspar.

"Why do you hate me?" Caspar was standing over me laughing "I don't hate you we just have bad timing that's all" Caspar helps me up "well if you were like me and don't have milk with your cereal I won't have to have another shower" I said full of sass and flipped my hair while walking into my room.

I had another shower and got changed into another pair of pyjamas I got into bed and all of these memories flooded back into my brain they were all about back home in Australia. I do have to tell Joe about what it is like but not now.

So I hope you liked chapter 9. Stay the sassiest sassy people full of sass that you are xx.

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