Chapter 16

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Violet's P.O.V

I just stand there in shock William and Jane Jackson were my adoptive parents and Kate was my adoptive sister she was older than me by about a year and they are the closest thing I have to family. When I was 7 my real parents died if you can call them that. My dad was a drug addict and my mum was an alcoholic.

I still remember the night that my parents died

*flash back*

I get in the car after we walk out of the café Mum was at the bar the whole time and I'm not sure where my dad was but I was left in the corner luckily the old lady who owned the café fed me and gave me some paper and a pencil so I could entertain myself with.

I sat in the back as my mum got behind the wheel I'm not sure if she should drive or not but what am I going to do I'm only a kid. They both started arguing about owing someone money or something like that. I then felt a hug impact hit my mum's side of the car and the car flipped off the bridge. Luckily there was not a lot of water in it

I heard screaming and I seen a lot of blood I closed my eyes and pretended I was in my quiet place and when I opened them I seen a man pulling the door open with a police officer outfit on. "are you okay young lady?" I nodded at the man "I'm stuck" I spoke and he got some type of scissors and cut the seatbelt.

he helped me over to an ambulance the lady looked at me and I had a broken arm and I big cut on my forehead and cheek bone. I had to get stiches in my head and my arm was in a sling. The police officer walked over to me again.

"Violet?" he asks and I nod in return "I'm sorry but your mum and dad have died on impact if you know what that is cool, but if not let's just say they died cause the car fell off the bridge" I nod and started crying I knew that I was never going to see them again.

*end of flash back*

I was put in many homes until I was 10 and that is when William and Jane took me in, my parents didn't have any relatives or at least ones that were alive or could be found. "VIOLET WHAT'S WRONG FOR GOD SAKE ANSWER ME!" Joe was shaking me "oh sorry um I have to leave Joe, go back home now my um adoptive parents are dead" I walk fast with Joe trying to keep up beside me "adoptive?" I shake my head at him "yes Joe I'm adopted" I say slightly annoyed I really don't have time to explain as I get in the car.

Joe drives quickly to the house probably got a fine on the way but oh well. I walked into Joe's room and threw all my shit in my bag while Joe grabs me a ticket for the plane. I run out of Joe's room and again for the one hundredth time Caspar runs into me "CASPAR FOR SHIT SAKE I'M NOT IN THE MOOD FOR THIS I HAVE TO GO"

"I'm sorry I was coming in to see if you were okay and if you needed help" he puts his hands up in surrender "well you should be and I'm all packed and I'm not okay" I walk past him and to the front door that was a bit rude...anyway. "okay I have your ticket and I rang Zoe and Alfie and told them what was happening I didn't want to interrupt their date but yolo"

I hug him and get in the car Caspar comes as well so Joe won't be alone on the drive home. as we pull up to the airport it starts raining great. it looks like how I feel. Caspar pulls out my bag and another bag "um that isn't my bag" I speak "oh yeah that's mine" Joe says as he locks the car "what?"

"yeah I'm going with you I'm not letting you go by yourself" I thank him and race to the gate. we just make it through security and baggage in time for the flight we were running around like idiots. I sit down on the plane next to the window and Joe next to me. as we lift off the ground I start crying onto Joe's shoulder why does this have to happen to me?


There you are chapter 16 whoo! stay sassy xx.


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