The Visitor and the Observer

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*So, if time permits, which I hope it does, I kindly was wondering if you'd be alright to drop by for a little while.* The clicking of her keys made barely any noise as the text was sent, allowing slight suspense to build in the heart of the princess as she awaited a reply from the recipient of the message. Having slept in until nearly noon today, Peach had successfully lifted herself back onto her feet and allowed her happiness to reflow once again. Although appearing to have not a drop of lead in her zeppelin to those around her, the shadowy grip her nightmare had closed around her still lingered within the corners of her mind, causing her genuine concern and heightened worry. It had been nearly a month since she'd been rescued from Bowser's clutches and returned back home, yet for some reason, these horrifying nightmares showed little to no sign of stopping. Though often she adjusted quite well to repetitive occurrences, these dramatic dreams caused the same terror-filled wake that she'd experienced last night every single time they occurred.

The weight of the crown upon her head combined with the inner struggle to find herself an answer resulted in Peach developing a rather aggravating pain throughout her head and neck. Something hadn't been the same since she'd been rescued; perhaps there was a lot more than just magic at play here. Waiting still patiently as she rocked upon the edge of her throne in suspense, the eyes of the Princess shot free of her phone's line of sight as his voice came upon her. "Peach-a, Your-a Majesty! It's-a such an honar to see you back to normal!" Heavy Italian accent not masking his humble joy and bright compassion in the least; his bright eyes and bright uniform shone with the light reflecting in through the window above her throne, placing a spotlight of honor down atop him as though the universe wanted to once again highlight his brave, heroic nature. "Mario! Oh, it's so great to see you!" Arms wrapping tight around his frame as she took a knee to meet his eye level, Peach's heart soared like a comet once more upon sight of her saviour. Even thinking about him helped clear her mind, yet seeing him here in reality made her heart glow so bright that even the darkest corners within were cleared of all shadows and worries. "It's-a good to see you as well," Mario replied, voice slightly strained within the warming yet constricting grip of the princess, "I've-a heard you're still experiencing those-a nightmares." Mind regaining its previous darkness, Peach's smile faded to showcase a gentle frown as she spilled out her mind within the safeplace that Mario created with her.

"Yes, I don't know why though; Bowser never hurt or even threatened me, and I highly doubt he ever would, but I can't figure out why I'm so afraid of him!" Now realizing her volume and rate of speech were rising quite high, Peach finished with a great inhale and exhale before granting Mario a chance to speak. "Oh, Peach, I'm-a so sorry to hear-a that," he gently cooed, open palm resting atop the shoulder of the kneeling princess, "Bows-a is quite-a scary, yes, and I was-a thinking that it's-a because he took away your-a freedom." "That's what Malcom and Sherman said," Peach replied, now rising to her feet to walk alongside Mario, "I kinda agree, but I'm free now, thanks to you, and I haven't heard anything about Bowser in weeks." "I thank-a you, Peach-a," Mario replied, "But I woodn't be so sure-a about-a that, he may-a be a-watching us right-a now!"


Even though it couldn't be heard over a billion miles away, the sentence that left Mario's mouth was in deed seen by her curious eye; magnified to proportions that could make the average viewer jump out of their skin through the lenses of her telescope. "Oh, dear Mario," her gentle voice carried out to herself, "If I could thank you forever, I would." Lifting her eye from the eyepiece at last to stand once again at an impressive seven-foot three, Princess Rosalina had spent much of her time over the last few hundred years simply learning by eyesight. Her father's telescope, though crafted by hands where not a spark of magic flew, had worked wonderfully for her enchantment, allowing anything and everything within her direct line of sight to be observed over astronomical distances. Each time she awoke from slumber, the gigantic cosmic princess felt her mind and heart rush with thanksgiving, as she may not still be this fortunate had it not been for the man she forever knew as Mario.

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