The Night's Gift

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"Uhh, my arms are probably gonna hurt for days now!" Peach playfully rumbled as she changed out of her tennis outfit to prepare for some much-needed rest, "Not sure how Daisy can do that all day long." Now dressed in her usual pyjamas, the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom had originally called her cousin here to help her find a solution to her nightmares, and although her comfort had soothed her for the time being, Peach still worried for the coming night, since the absolute cure was still far out of reach and sight. Not wanting to overwhelm herself with thought before actually closing her eyes, the young, traumatised princess did recall something however that may in fact save her a lot of sleep.

Daisy had said that Rosalina may be here, well, indirectly here, to help Peach learn something. She'd also told Peach that she was crushing on Rosalina, which, now that the princess had thought about it for a long time, surprisingly yet unsurprisingly brought her warming comfort. "Could I really have feelings for another women?" Peach asked her reflection; sore eyes and dry skin waiting anxiously for her mind to reply with an answer, "If it can happen to Daisy, could it happen to me as well?" Mentally facepalming as she realized the ridiculous nature of her question, Princess Peach was able to add this to her list of seemingly unanswerable questions as she rolled her eyes free of the mirror. "Just like tonight, I think I may just have to wait and see what comes," she told herself, easing her mind to a surprising extent, "As I learned when waiting for Mario to come rescue me, sometimes the longer you think about the same question, the more out-of-reach the answer feels." Now at last lifting the blankets over her tired body, Peach's previously worried mind was surprisingly enough able to find sleep at a very rapid rate.


"Princess Peach!" the roar of his voice sounded out form the darkness before light itself could even arrive into her mind's view, "You are formally the creation of my new Galaxy!" Quaking with fear once again as she stared into his horrifically familiar eyes, the path taken by Peach in the next few moments had nearly become muscle memory for her, yet didn't make the moment captured here any less terrifying. Heels clicking and petticoats dragging as she bolted like a clumsy bolt of lightning down the hallways, the rumbling castle once again forced the princess down to scraped, bleeding knees. "Well, well," Voice entering long before she could glance up, the towering, shadowy figure this time came fully illuminated; his bright yellow, reptilian skin and lush red hair lit up as if he were the star in his own show. Once again feeling her heart drop like a lead bolder, the terrorized princess this time shut her eyes painfully tight to awake the dehumanizing clutches of his ragged, clawed hand.

"Don't be afraid, my sweet princess,"

Releasing a sharp gasp as she lifted herself to a sitting position, Peach's shocked expression matched that of Bowser as she watched the red in his eyes burn out to be replaced by what appeared to be essence of raw fear. Staring high over her head, the towering Koopa king now seemed to struggle to maintain his balance as the magical voice behind Peach spoke out again:

"You must really be desperate with the lengths you've gone to,"

Bright blue glow now filling the hallway as if a bright blue star had just materialized within, Peach watched with absolute awe and suspense as Bowser shieled his mighty eyes from the blinding light. Knowing right away who was standing behind her, Princess Peach's pounding heart now banged with another fiery fuel other than raw fear. Intense, tingling warmth in her chest as butterflies slammed around in her stomach; the stretched smile on the princess's face glowed with her own brand of jovial radiance. Unable to wait any longer, Peach at last spun around on her heel tip as the light died down to reveal the magical face and figure of she who'd been dancing through Peach's mind all day long.

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