All Your State of Mind

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"Alright, hold me tight!" Rosalina spoke joyfully to her peachy lover as she wrapped her arms tightly around Rosalina's waist. Feeling the warmth of their bond melt her heart from within as Peach smiled upward to her; Princess Rosalina released a gentle, warm breath as her wand was confidently raised upward to illuminate the space above where the immortal couple stood. Feeling Peach's grip tighten to a great extent as the couple's feet were lifted off the ground with gentle force; not a hint of air or radiation struck them as they sailed through the stars in one another's arms. The pair of smiling princesses were slowly able to gently release their grip on one another to allow them to fly side by side, joined by only their one-handed grips. With the wind in their hair now gaining magnitude as the atmosphere below them grew denser with each passing second, the clear afternoon skies below slowly allowed for the sights of the Mushroom Kingdom to be taken into view. With absolutely no chance of even the most curious Toads spotting their approach, it was not another minute of waiting before the couple's speed of travel drifted to a rest before allowing their feet to settle down in the lush meadow with absolute silence.

"Now that right there," Peach spoke at last; her bright smile of excitement now melting into one of thanksgiving and pure appreciation, "was easily the most unforgettable flight I've ever taken; a lot more enjoyable than the launch stars." Smiling warmly back down toward her lover; Rosalina's own pale face gleamed with gorgeous shades of pinks and reds in the mid-afternoon sun as she knelt down to meet Peach's gaze eye-to-eye. "You see, my Special One," She gently began; lone blue eye glowing with intense hopes and dreams, "that right there was only the beginning; we've got so much more ahead of us today, trust me!" Eyes holding each other for not even a second more; the gazes of the star-struck princesses broke the line of sight as their lips met warmly once again. Much gentler in nature than those they shared last night; this kiss now sooner became an embrace as the two princesses felt their arms pull each other in tightly. Eyes now safely shut as she felt the tingles of her girlfriend's strokes across her backside; Princess Peach's other senses slowly began to construct a scene much similar to that she had experienced last night.

The openness and freedom that came with the colourful meadow was far more unbound than that created by her own castle garden. The colours mixing around them created a visual aid to the magical scents that filled the lungs of Peach with every deep inhale. Not a hint of wind around them, despite the massive thunder storm in the distance revealed to Peach that the sunlight around them would eventually transform into a magical sunset high above the clouds as the storm progressed to the west. Many groves of trees lined the outer limits of this lovely meadow, rendering it a place of safety and concealment with a hidden sense of freedom and acceptance. It was undeniable; this meadow had proven itself the perfect landing spot for the magical couple, as it perfectly highlighted their secret relationship's hidden magic; deep inside for only the two of them to share. Despite having such intense trauma inside from being held by the terrifying Bowser at the centre of the universe, Princess Peach felt now as if she could be held here in her lover's arms forever with not a drop of worry in her glowing heart. That was, until her feet were suddenly stolen away from the ground again.

Feeling her lips tighten against those of Rosalina as she gripped her lover for dear life; Peach's sudden shock rapidly declined in magnitude as she focused on her lover's trusting blue eye; glowing back toward her with unconditional love as she placed Peach's feet atop her own. Lasting only a moment and drifting only about three feet into the air; the ending of the miniature flight still left Peach gasping for air after parting lips with her girlfriend. "I always forget you can do that," Peach huffed; her smile slowly returning to her face as her heartrate slowed, "You sure are one magical being." "Thanks, but truthfully, I'm nothing too special," Rosalina began, once again kneeling down to meet her lover's eyes, "I'm just an abnormally tall lady with a wand, but when I'm sharing my life with the Lumas; with Mario; with you, then, then my Special One, I'm someone special, and I know that because of the happiness I spread, and I only hope I can uplift you the same way you do for me."

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