Empathy and Emptiness

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Stomach loaded with star bit cake and head loaded with fuzzy memories of her favourite TV show, Princess Rosalina at last was hovering her way off toward her bedroom after tucking in her hundreds of starlike children, who more likely than not would be bouncing on their beds and laughing at full volume within the next hour or so. Hoping for the better, Rosalina gently closed her door over, allowing even the slightest amount of force to push it open so that pudgy little Luma arms wouldn't need to strain themselves if they needed their mama for something. Though dark and often cold at when out of direct sunlight, the deep purple, star-coated bedroom of the cosmic princess had been designed to be as close to her original bedroom as possible. Though her feet only touched the floor for short intervals of the day, Rosalina still experienced relief upon removing her feet from the large, shiny silver stilettos she wore on a daily basis, though often considered swapping out for more practical flats. "I'm already tall enough, last thing I need is to break another light fixture!" she giggled to herself as she worked slowly and carefully to trade out her heavy, dense dress for her equally warm pyjamas. Complete with golden stars and white galaxies across them, the shade of the warm, cotton one-piece set matched her dress perfectly yet allowed her to sleep gently without her main source of warmth getting snagged on things throughout her rest. Heavy silver crown hovering off her head to rest down on the bedside table like a flying saucer with the flick of her wand, Rosalina was at last feeling prepared to lower her head down onto the pillow and rest her long, narrow body onto the mattress for a good rest.

Though often meeting sleep at a rather rapid pace, the cosmic princess this time struggled with allowing her mind to be blanketed with warming shadows to clear her thoughts. There really wasn't much to it on most occasions, yet right now...right now, something was different; something was missing. Often able to warm herself quite easily, Rosalina rested uneasy in her bed at the moment; suddenly wishing she could wrap her long, skinny arms tight around something beside her. Though having witnessed over a million hugs over her endless lifetime, Rosalina herself had never actually shared a tight, warming squeeze with anyone other than the occasional Luma since her childhood. Right now though, as she caught herself cradling and cuddling one of her massive, purple pillows, the cosmic princess found herself strongly wishing that said pillow had the ability to squeeze her back. Long and slender arms still feeling quite empty; the efforts were doubled as a second pillow was wrapped tightly between the abnormally long legs of Rosalina, still unable to deliver her the satisfaction that she desired from her seemingly lifeless cuddles.

Now feeling completely restless, it was only now that Rosalina at last allowed her stressed, aching eyes to lower shut without force, granting her mind's view the upper hand to showcase her bygoing thoughts. Often dreaming before sleep of star bits and spiral galaxies, the cosmic princess tonight found herself rubbing her hand across the pillow in her arms rather gently and warmly. Seeming to desire happiness more than anything else in this moment, Rosalina could only visualize those she knew as happy by nature. Although she herself usually was, Rosalina for some unknown reason could only dream of being able to smile right now, kinda like...

It was in this moment that a mind-halting thought crossed her mind. Now focusing on her suddenly relaxed mind's view, the cosmic princess was stunned to realize that she had been greeted by a heart-warming image of a smiling Princess Peach; staring back at her mind's eyes with such kindness and empowerment that the heart of Rosalina suddenly felt like it was going to explode.

Rather than blowing her heart apart into a million star bits, Rosalina instead allowed herself to blast upward from her sleeping position to tilt her feet over the edge of her bed. Stary slippers now protecting the soles of her pale feet from the cold, hard floor, Rosalina silently crept her way outside her bedroom to float down the hallways. At first unaware as to where her heart was guiding her, the actions taken by the cosmic princess came at a perfect time in perfect harmony. Raising her father's telescope off its resting tripod, the coordinates that she knew so well came into view moments later. Adjusting the dials to gain focus, Rosalina could only now fill her blushing mind with deeply-held memories of the princess. Not even aware as to how deep inside her soul they had anchored themselves, the laughing, smiling individual that was Princess Peach Toadstool danced happily within Rosalina's mind as she at last came to focus on the spot where the princess hopefully would be found.

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