The Sky's the Limit

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Each and every breath played her nostrils like a harp as the peaceful scents of fresh grass and blooming flowers that surrounded her filled her soul. Feeling her bare feet brush warmly across the meadow floor with each step she took; Princess Peach didn't care for the fact that she had no clue where she was, as her senses were so greatly stimulated that she felt she could live in this one, single moment forever. The sunlight around her, though strong on her eyes, revealed the endless land before her to be constant repeat of the meadow she stood in right now. Absolute bliss within her heart with the absolute silence around her; Peach's mind began to flip extra switches of sensation as the wind brushed across her tender skin. Untangling her hair with each breath, the air around her already possessed a caring, humanlike nature with its motions and gestures, yet revealed itself to be even less of nature's making with the vocals that came with the next gust.

"Good morning, Special One..." the wind began; vocals overpowering the sound of the gust, "It's noon already, and I highly doubt you want to lay here all day." Back suddenly becoming very tender and simulated as the wind now ran circles across its surface; Peach's eyes were strained once again as the brightness of the sun grew to unmeasurable levels. Brightness cooling down slowly as she allowed her focus to return to her, the area where the lovely meadow had been seconds earlier now welcomed a familiar face into Peach's direct vision. Smiling gently as she stocked her girlfriend's backside, Princess Rosalina's hair clung to itself with such great levels of static that her normally concealed eye was now open to see. Bare shoulders reflecting the pure white glow of the unknown light source in her bedroom; the magical face of the magical women before her allowed Peach's heart to continue to sing like a harp as she allowed herself to slowly wake up to she who'd she'd been dreaming about for many days now.

"You...You called me, Special One?" Peach asked; eyes still foggy as her mind attempted to clear the stardust that had collected there. "Yes, my dear Peach," Rosalina warmly replied; still cuddling her girlfriend as she spoke, "You see, I began using that name to describe you to the Lumas when Mario was here, since they were having trouble understanding. I just thought that it seemed fitting, given our...relationship status." Smiling warmly in the way that made Rosalina blush out of control; Peach's warm, playful tone this time came coated with an extra layer of truth and acceptance: "You're so thoughtful, Rosie; This universe is so lucky to have you watching over it." Blushing delicately before hugging her lover tightly; Rosalina gently began to raise the covers of her bed to expose the bodies of she and her girlfriend to the open air.

Experiencing a rather sharp chill racing down her spin and across her bare skin, Princess Peach quickly clung to her equally freezing girlfriend in a desperate attempt to regain at least a tiny bit of warmth. "I really should have thought that through," Rosalina shivered as her arm extended toward her bedside table, "so sorry that I didn't warn you." "Oh! Me too!" peach vibrated; her voice rattling as if her vocal cords were now coated with frost, "Don't blame yourself on that one!"

With a sudden gust of heavy air that caused the frail bodies of the two lovers to shiver even deeper into their cores, the warmth their souls were seeking at last was found as they bodies were swiftly covered with suitable attire. As if they had materialized out of the air atop their skin, the clothing that had previously been scattered across the bedroom floor had fitted itself with perfect accuracy and pride to the bodies of the two previously shivering princesses. "That one really helps when I'm running late," Rosalina giggled as she lowered her wand down; at last allowing her teeth to smile rather than chatter with the cold. "Late for what I must ask?" Peach asked; her mind pondering as she brushed the dust and flour off the surface of her tank top, "I didn't think you ran a lot of arrands or anything." "True, but I do watch a lot of TV," Rosalina replied; eyes widening brightly as she explained her morning rushes, "The Lumas all really want me to always be there when their favourite show starts, and I'm sure you understand how challenging it can be to transfer from pyjamas to such a heavy dress in a rush!" "Oh yeah! Heels for sure!" Peach giggled as she walked toward her girlfriend with a tipsy, unbalanced stance complete with exaggerated funny faces and gestures, "I've actually fallen right on my face in front of my relatives a few times on those early mornings!"

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