Snuggles and Scares

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Only being blinded for a short second to cue her inner wow once again, the entering of the gate continued to uplift the wonderous mind and soul of Princess Peach every single time she stepped through its magical threshold. Greeted warmly and welcomingly by the lights of the Comet Observatory, the heart of the mushroom princess continued to sail high above her chest as she paused for what felt like an eternity of time. Now feeling the mysterious type of air that surrounded the observatory brush against her ankles and chest for the first time, the wonder around her aided to stir Peach's mind, drawing up thoughts as wide and mixed as the galaxies in the universe. Not a moment later is when reality shone through the magic, switching the princess's mind over to the actual nature of the matter. "What am I gonna tell Rosie? Ohhh, how foolish can I be?" She asked herself; regret over her rash decision now blushing her so red and sweaty she felt she may melt, "Hi Rosie! I just got into a fight with my cousin and smashed her face with a tennis ball so I ran all the way up here hoping you'd cuddle me because I'm so buried in my emotions it's crazy!" Speaking with a rather animated face and childish voice, Peach's dumbly imagined speech was believed to be heard by no one, yet was acknowledged with feedback just moments later.

"I don't see what's so wrong about that," a tiny voice spoke as Peach spun around to release a rather sharp scream. "Oh, sorry I scared you!" the little green Luma replied, slight giggles upon her face as she came to rest before Peach, "I'm Astrid, and I'm sorry I listened in when I shouldn't have, but I really think that being honest with Mama is the best way to go, then she'll understand everything." "I hope you're right about that, Astrid," Peach replied, warming up to the little Luma now that her mini heart attack had worn off, "and I'm glad someone was around to hear me, I'm really regretting this decision." "Why don't you come and talk to Mama," Astrid warmly continued, offering her tiny arm to Peach, "I think your mind and soul will feel much better if you do." Hesitating as her face blushed a tender, vulnerable red, Peach at last took the tiny hand of the little green Luma in her own; smiling up to where she hovered as she made the choice to finish her actions. "Thanks, Astrid," she tenderly spoke, "I just hope that 'Mama' is okay with seeing me right now, I mean, I wasn't supposed to be here for another six to eight hours." "Oh, no need to worry about that!" Astrid giggled, "I think you'll find that she could actually use your help as well!"


"What is that amazing smell?" Peach kindly asked the open air as she and Astrid came to a stop just outside the Comet Observatory's kitchen, its windows and open door glowing with a warm, yellowish glow. "You'll have to find that one out yourself!" Astrid replied; tiny eyes squinting with joy as she hovered up and away from Peach's earshot, "I don't forget to tell Mama how much you love her!"

Giggling to herself as she was left in silence once more, Peach's footsteps suddenly felt quite heavy as she climbed the rounding stairs with agility she'd never dream of in her normal heels. Scents of cake and star bits now filling her systems to the point she felt she may pass out from the sugar levels, Peach at last rounded the final corner to gaze her eyes upon the wonderous sight of her cosmic girlfriend's latest masterpiece. Nearly as tall as Peach herself, the white-frosted and rainbow-dusted cake easily could feed an entire kingdom to immobility due to its sheer size. Decorated with large clusters of star bits and chocolate Lumas, this table-crushing creation watered the mouth of the mushroom princess to the point where she'd devour the entire thing herself if her garments and discipline didn't restrict her.

Allowing a rather large and widely audible gasp to escape her throat as she inhaled even more overwhelming scents, the mushroom princess was suddenly startled heavily by the miniature scream in the background. Sounding as though it may have come from the lungs of a newborn, the scream's ending was met moments before with a gust of white dust from the back of the room followed by a cluster of dust-covered Lumas that nearly knocked Peach to the floor as they exited the kitchen in a mad rush. "Oh my gosh!" Peach began, voice rushed and face flushed with concern as she wiped the heavy white clouds out of her eyes, "I hope I didn't..." "Peach!?! Is that you?!?" A familiar voice called out from deep inside the dusty clouds, "You scared me! Please don't sneak up on me like that!" "Oh God! Rosalina!" Peach cried out before dashing through the remaining clouds to check on her lover, "I'm so sorry I..." Pausing as her eyes at last gained focus on the lone blue one of the cosmic princess, Peach's expression slowly swapped from one of concern to rather uplifted joy as she came to realize what she was in fact staring at. Both now completely covered in flour, the duo of princesses starred back at one another with both shock and surprise as they compared one another's outfits. Having come here dressed as comfortable as possible, Peach's concern and embarrassment at last drifted away as she realized that her lover had in fact had the same idea for today.

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