Grips of Night and Time

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Leaping nearly head-first into the nearest launch star, Princess Peach was relieved moments later when she landed softly upon her bed after flying back through her window. The massive launch star easily slid completely within the shadows below her bed with a simple push from the princess's eager, shaking hands. Head slamming down with such force she nearly caused herself a dizzy spell, Peach's fear and anxiety instantly yet painfully slowly flipped into crippling sadness and heartbreak. She'd let herself go too far; she'd not only confessed herself to her crush, but had discovered something even more heartbreaking in the process.

The Cosmic Princess she loved so much, miraculously loved her in return.

Tears like acid as her face was buried in her pillow, the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom buried herself like a depressed corpse below her heavy comforters. Dress and heels included; the sobbing soul trapped inside her body now felt buried beneath over a ton of sand as her breath sliced like ice across her burning skin. Lips still tingling with the taste of stardust and vanilla icing; every moment and memory that passed her heart and soul ripped the princess apart like the claws of Bowser. Arms and legs shrivelled and tangled as she lost hope for regaining mobility, the heart of the princess could no longer care a hint about the world around her, given the destructive mess she'd just caused. Knowing that even Bowser himself would call her disgusting for what she'd done, the mushroom princess wouldn't have even noticed if the aforementioned monster entered her room right now. She deserved it; she'd destroyed the heart and hope of an innocent, loving soul who'd welcomed her unconditionally. It was all her fault; for once, she was not at all the innocent bystander everyone saw trapped in everyone else's chaos. Chest so tight she worried about suffocation, the haze of smeared makeup and crumbling dreams buried the princess so deep that the shadows across her soul forced sleep upon her after nearly ten minutes of horror and heartbreak.


Heart beating fast once more as she raced down the hallways, the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom followed the path she knew all too well through her castle; darkness closing in from all corners like a spreading infection. Crashing down to the floor with the massive tremor of the foundation leaving the surface, the thunderous footsteps of doom sounded out from their usual direction as Peach slid back across the floor helpless. Gigantic shadow wasting no time entering the light, Bowser's bold grin and wicked stare met her with his usual, overbearing sense of domination as he marched towards her. "Princess Peach," He roared out with great meaning, voice blowing gusts of wind as he towered over her, "You'll be disappointed to hear, that your invitation has been revoked, in order to allow the attendance of my newest guest." Eyes drifting away from Bowser's mighty face for the first time, Peach's curious glance led her to the aforementioned individual. Heart twisting and snapping at her core like a million piranha plants, the entire body of the princess stiffened like stone at the sickening sight of what, or more so, whom, Bowser currently held immobile in his paralyzing grip.

"Rosalina?!?" Peach strained, voice still pinned down by overpowering fear and hopelessness as if Bowser's foot rested heavily atop her chest. Chained and gagged far beyond even the horrors Peach had once experienced; Princess Rosalina shivered helplessly in the mighty grip of the monster who'd tormented Peach for so long. Sweet blue eye begging for mercy as her last desperate hope, the sight of the tall, gorgeous princess she loved so much in such a terrifying position nearly drew fluids of all types from Peach's traumatized body as this horrifying sight was burned into her heart forever. "I'm sorry for the last-minute dismissal," Bowser rumbled again, standing tall once again to step over the fallen princess, "But I must not waste any more time." Stomping his way just over her head to exit the hallway, Peach's broken form struggled now to keep up with him. Hallway stretching longer and longer as her feet burned and bled from each twist and trip, the screaming eyes of the mushroom princess cracked her heart wide open upon catching one last, innocent tear escape the eyes of the captured princess she loved so deeply, yet was unable to even attempt to save. Feeling the floor now fold away below her, the velocity that which she fell with rattled the princess's skeleton to the point where her visions and hearing were all blurred. Unable to even hear her own screams; the impact moments later blinded her for the next few moments as she wrestled against an invisible force pinning her limbs tight up against her.

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