Explosions and Escapism

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"So Mama," Carlos began as a small cluster of Lumas gathered at Rosalina's feet, "you really love Special One very much, don't you?" No longer ashamed or embarrassed to speak the truth, Rosalina's breaths this time were far more relaxed as she explained herself. "Well, I wasn't even admitting it to myself at first, but yes, I really do love Peach, a lot, and she told me she loves me too." A collective "Awwww!" from across the crowd of star children released tender blush across Rosalina's face as her mind warmed itself freely at last. "But Mama," a tiny voice innocently asked as Little Red made his way to the front of the group, "what about Mario? Doesn't he also love Peach?"

As if her sailing mind had just run aground on a rather sharp rock, Princess Rosalina now felt chills of anxiety flow from her head down to her toes seven feet below. Just realizing now that Princess Peach was to an extent taken, the realization as to the destruction her feelings could cause dawned sharply on the cosmic princess. "I never thought of that," Rosalina spoke as her heart sank like lead, "I'll need to ask Peach about that when I see her tonight." Hope still hanging on tight, Rosalina's hypothesis that Peach probably lacked feelings for Mario was supported by Peach's own actions in the last few days. The lingering thought of possibly crushing Mario after he'd done so much for the two of them however chilled and sickened her galactic heart to an extent where she'd vomit up a large splash of star-bit-soup if she didn't distract herself. "I guess I better...get to work in the kitchen," she began awkwardly, "Hopefully then I can make my mind think elsewhere besides upsetting Mario."


"There! Now you see if you can hit one like that!" Peach confidently spoke out; smile open and bold as she at last returned one of Daisy's rocket serves. "Oh shit, that was nothing!" Daisy replied, sass and confidence running like electrical currents in her voice, "I'm just getting you warmed up so you can be on you're A-Game!" "What do you mean, on my A-Game?" Peach replied, slight confusion in her voice as her eyebrow cocked up, "I'm playing pretty hard right now." "I mean the point where you can focus on the game and nothing but." Daisy replied, now taking on a more analytical, explanatory tone. "What makes you think I'm not focusing?" Peach asked, mind attempting to locate anything within its corners at the moment that Daisy may be able to detect. "You still seem...distracted...for some reason," Daisy pointed out, attempting to gently draw out Peach's inner thoughts, "you feeling alright about everything?" With the mere mention of her feelings, especially coming from the mouth of Daisy, Peach's mind lenses were unfogged to reveal the quite now obvious reason for her distractions. Having been buried in her mind's closet like smelly socks, the scents and stenches that impacted her focus had just been sourced, having been forgotten for a while now.

Yes, Peach always would love her cousin, and they had gotten into arguments in the past, but it was the subject matter that Daisy had pointed out that had caused Peach such lasting negative feelings toward her. Peach's mind had been probed by Daisy from simple speech to the point where her at the time unrecognised crush had been identified. She'd openly told Daisy that she'd fallen in love with an individual who Daisy had only heard stories about, knowing that she could trust her cousin with anything. Having provided her warm support and acceptance for her choices in life regarding her love life, Peach's absolute shock regarding her recent words still numbed her to the outside world. Having always been such a rebel from the moment she could crawl, Princess Daisy of Sarasaland had always been one to attempt and believe in the impossible, yet now, as Peach had revealed her innermost secrets to her, she'd blown back with nothing but negative energy and hope-crushing realism.

At least, she thought it was realism.

Assuming Daisy had not yet noticed the bright blue light in the night sky, Peach's hopes of possibly telling Daisy the whole truth had been completely obliterated by her pessimism regarding Peach's hopes. Sure, if Peach did in fact tell Daisy that Rosalina was here now, and that they'd been seeing each other in complete private and that Peach had just recently become immortal, it likely would justify everything she was feeling and allow her dreams to be seen as much more reachable. There did however, still hang one dark spot in the mind of the mushroom princess. Biased by Daisy's recent negative response, Peach's already hurting confidence regarding her new relationship could be in for another blow in the event Daisy did handle this reveal badly. No, it had not been Daisy's intention to harm Peach's emotional stance in that moment, yet the shock of having a dream blown down by her own best friend acted as a poison mushroom in the princess's heart and stomach. Needing to hold herself strong and relaxed to allow her relationship with Rosalina to progress as she hoped; Peach's heart had been tenderized by last night's experiences, leaving her nearly defenseless to emotional attacks. Wanting so deeply to trust her cousin on everything she thought and dreamed; Peach's mind simply couldn't bring her to speak the truth in fear it my unintentionally cost her all her inner confidence.

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