The Lowest in the Highest

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With the both the skies above and their open, exposed hearts clear as crystal and showcasing a full range of colours tonight; Peach and Rosalina had spent perhaps the entire evening, a staggering three hours simply roaming the small villages around the area, simply staying mostly to themselves to avoid attracting unwanted attention. Peach had proven herself completely right with Rosalina's enjoyment of the various sweets and crunchy delights, from tacos to cookies that the Mushroom Kingdom had to offer. Crumbs on her cheeks and smile on her face all night long, the cosmic princess appeared as though she'd never experienced anything this stimulating and uplifting. "Hey, it's been over seven-hundred years since I've walked on this planet!" She replied when asked about it, "with the exception of when I came to your bedroom a few nights ago." "And I'll admit," Peach added playfully as she wiped the whipped cream from her lover's chin, "You're the first real guest I've had in my room in probably twenty years."

"I was thinking about that," Rosalina replied, her voice rather analytical in tone, "I was thinking, to help with the embarrassment I probably caused you from just appearing out of thin air like that, that I should probably take you to my special place." "Oh, you don't need to worry about that! Peach giggled as her face reddened once again, "I seriously still have no idea how I passed out in a dress and heels like that! But sure; I can't say I knew you had a special place here." "It's actually not far from the castle," Rosalina continued as she led Peach up a nearby hill, "if you're comfortable going back there."

"I'm going to have to go back sooner or later," Peach replied, mind now recalling that she'd once again put off her planned apology, "and besides, Daisy's not THAT noisey, especially when she's mad. I highly doubt she'd spot us from that far away." Mind slowly cooling down from giggling to think critically about where Rosalina may be leading her, Peach's mind struggled to comprehend how she'd never noticed such a place all these years. Pondering rather slowly, it was not five seconds later that Peach nearly facepalmed at the realization within her head. Remembering the images and words in the storybook Rosalina had shown her; Peach no sooner confirmed her suspicions as the tree came into sight. "Here it is," Rosalina began with a rather soft, respectful tone one may use when walking through a graveyard, "This, is quite literally the tree where my mother is buried." Standing completely isolated at the crest of this rather high hill, the medium-large fir tree stood fearlessly nearly two hundred feet from the nearest grove. Its deep brown bark expressing not a single crack despite its staggering age, the seemingly meaningless plant had now just become an incredibly powerful symbol to Peach, as the significance it bore to her girlfriend proved deeper than anything she ever imagined. "I can't believe how close this is to the castle," Peach commented as gazed from the hilltop to her bedroom window, not even half a mile away, "I've never really cared to notice it before, but now, I seriously feel the power of this place, and I'm even more sorry for your loss now."

"Don't worry there," Rosalina spoke, not removing her eyes from the base of the tree as she did, "I've already cried over it, now, I'm just glad I can actually come down here and pay my respects, nearly eight-hundred years later." Standing in absolute silence as she gently held Rosalina's hand, Princess Peach Toadstool simply shut her eyes and allowed the energy of the sacred location to flow through her soul. Presenting a gentle and peaceful yet strong and protective energy, the surrounding air reminded Peach so heavily of her girlfriend's nurturing nature that she failed to remain silent any longer.

"Your mother would be very proud of you," Peach spoke softly, turning her head to speak up toward her lover, "With all you've done for the Lumas and Mario, and especially me." With the powerful, warm shiver felt by her hand revealing just how deeply touched Rosalina was by those last few words; Peach watched warmly as the Cosmic Princess now softly lowered her gaze down to Peach. With tears bubbling in her peach-coloured face as she knelt down to the Mushroom Princess's level, it was a moment later that their visions of each other were momentarily lost as Rosalina pressed her lips against Peach's. Embracing her like the loving mother of Lumas she was, Princess Rosalina now could no longer hold back a slow, tender stream of tears as she spoke tenderly to her lover. "You've, got no idea what that means to me," she vibrated through her slowly drying tears, "Of all the things in the universe I can do, the one thing I knew I'd never be capable of it making my mother proud, not after I abandoned her like that, and hearing you say that just untied a huge knot in my heart I never knew existed. Thank you, Peach."

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