Chapter 1:Without A Soul

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In the room, eerie shadows danced as Narcissa Malfoy screamed. The porcelain skin on her forehead was glazed with shimmering sweat. Once more she screamed, her lungs burning. "Another push, My Lady." The Healer looked uncertainly up at the woman who was trembling. His mercury eyes remained fixed on the unfolding situation. His eyes were glued to his wife, surveying and studying her health to ensure it was in good hands.

His Lord stood outside. The Dark Lord stood, waiting to mark their firstborn child. This was a great honor for him. His pride was swelled to learn that such a strong wizard was interested in his son. Sadly, he has not been the only Death Eater whose son has been marked. Crabbe, Nott, and Goyle's sons, as well as Parkinson's daughter, had already been marked. Though he was the youngest of the group, he was proud.

"Come now, Cissy." Lucius was anxious, but his pacing would most definitely make Narcissa uptight. "You can do it, my sweet." His jewel-clad hand brushed back her white hair, smiling at her, trying to give her comfort. What else could he possibly do?

"A boy, My Lady." Lucius turned his head around. He hadn't heard any cries.

A pair of Mercury eyes watched the Healer cradle a bloody newborn in his arms. The smile on Lucius' face had frozen. The baby was tiny and had midnight black hair. Taking a cautious look at Narcissa, the man paused. "Is he still alive?" Narcissa asked with a sob. Her face contorted in pain again, releasing another breathless scream.

"Yes, he's healthy," the man replied, staring at Narcissa with wide eyes. "There is another child here." The Healer handed the silent baby to his assistant, who cleaned it for him. Lucius swallowed, his lips turning downward.

As Narcissa's legs hung open, he mouthed incredulously, "Another?" to the Healer. Such a thing was unheard of in the pureblood world. Sadly, it was not uncommon. The Weasleys had twins.

No matter. He would raise them accordingly.

Narcissa screamed as she threw her head back against the headboard. She was joined by the screams of a child. Lucius squeezed her hand as she slumped in exhaustion. She stood up, carryingr bundle. Lucius was swept with pride as he noticed that this child had blonde hair and was screaming. The eldest twin was larger and healthier than the two. She smiled tiredly at him as he said, "You did fabulous, my dear.".

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, you gave birth to two beautiful boys." The Healer placed the two bundles upon Narcissa's chest.

The two stared down at the boys, noticing the differences. "He's defiantly a Black," Narcissa tried to lighten the atmosphere, motioning toward the firstborn. The small baby opened its eyes, showing shocking green eyes.

"Narcissa," Lucius sneered, coming to a shocking conclusion. She couldn't possibly have...

The woman gave a small laugh. "Regulus had green eyes, Lucius. And Bella used to have dark green before they turned black." Her blue eyes studied the silent baby. "His name should be Harrison Regulus Malfoy."

"But I thought we agreed on-,"

"This one here can be Draco Lucius Malfoy." The blonde baby cried, his wet mercury eyes staring up at his father. Lucius reached down to run his finger down the screaming child's face.

Before Lucius could turn, he felt the Dark Lord's presence silently enter the room. The man's power was suffocating, causing Draco to cry harder. Harrison, on the other hand, blinked stupidly up at the ceiling. "Lucius? Are you ready? Which is the firstborn?" Voldemort's voice was a soft hiss, caressing every occupant in the room into an uncomfortable calm.

Lucius hesitated for a long moment. It was an honor. Did it really matter if one was seconds older? He wanted his Lord to have a healthy baby, he couldn't give the Dark Lord a fragile wizard. "My Lord," Lucius started, picking up Draco. Narcissa's eyes widened in slight bemusement but she didn't dare speak out. She knew he would be giving the Dark Lord the first child. But she was smart enough not to attract attention. "May I present you, Draco Lucius Malfoy. My firstborn heir and your loyal follower."

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