Chapter 20: We're All a Little Insane

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He had nothing. He was nothing. So pathetic and full of waste.

Shaking fingers rubbed his face, staining the pale skin with red from the harsh treatment. Washed out blue eyes stared at himself in the mirror, grimacing at how ugly he was. There was nothing in his reflection he was proud of. Nothing. Stark red hair clashed horribly with his pasty white skin. There was nothing attractive that he could see. No witch would find him suitable.

That's why Neville always got the quires about dating. He got all the fame, the glory, the attention.

And what did Ron get? Nothing.


He was nothing. Why should he get anything? He was drowning in the shadows of both his school mates and family. His older brothers were all successful and had their own thing going for them. Ronald was hardly a notice to his family, especially with Ginny around. She got all the attention. If it wasn't her, then the twins. If it wasn't the twins, it was Bill and Charlie. And then Percy.

And then him.


Ron clutched his hair, pulling at it in self-disgust. He was a fool for even thinking things would change. When he was younger, he had been sure things would change. But they only got worse. He had been stupid to continue on like this.

At school, things weren't any better. Malfoy taunted him because of his lack of money. And what did Ron have to say in defense of that? His robes were hardly anything in comparison to the other students, especially the real purebloods of the wizarding world. Not only were his robes an issue, but being friends with the boy-who-lived was driving him insane. Neville tried to act modest, but Ron could see how big his ego was. Neville craved every moment of his fame.

Ron was sick.

And Hermione. All he wanted was to be on good terms with her, to have her see him. But he was invisible. Completely invisible. She always seemed to be scolding him like a mother. And if those long stares at Neville were anything to go by, Ron was sure Neville and Hermione had something going on.

Leaving him as a third wheel.

He was nothing. He was invisible.

He wouldn't have it.

He couldn't.

Ron started breathing heavily as he took the pocket knife and held it up to his eyes. "You're nothing," a voice whispered in his head.

"I'm nothing." Ron mumbled heatedly at himself.

Blue eyes glared into the reflection of the knife before dropping it at his wrists.

A hiss sounded through the bathroom.

And a green eyed wizard rolled in his sleep, a smile on his face.



He blinked, a small smirk lifting the corner of his mouth. Green eyes stared forward. "Yes, Blaise?"

"You're not eating. Again."

"I would think it's because I'm not hungry. Again." Harry sighed, looking down at his plate and then back at the Gryffindor table. "Don't you think this is such a...wonderful day?" Glancing over at the black wizard, Harry witnessed the boy's raised eyebrows.

"And why is that, Harrison?"

"My brother is back." His eyes swept across the Slytherin table at Draco. It had been a good few weeks since the ritual had taken place. Harry had slumped into somewhat of a depression, only going through his classes in a dull sort of matter. He had turned his Prefect badge into Dumbledore, declining the position. Without his Prefect duties, he had more time to throw himself into studying, making himself smarter- more powerful and wiser.

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