Chapter 8: Undress in the Dark

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"Harrison?" As he guessed, his mother came down first. Her hair was flying behind her and she had a worried expression on her face. "Is everything alright?" Nimble fingers clutched her dressing robe tighter around herself as she came up to Harry.

As predicted, Lucius came after her with a much calmer pace. Despite it being the middle of the night, his hair was in place and his dressing gown seemed crisp with no wrinkles.

"Harrison?" Lucius repeated his wife's words.

There was a tense air between the two and Harry wasn't in the mood to discuss anything. Narcissa reached over and pulled down his hood, caressing his cheek. Unfortunately, it was the cheek where his dark silver mark laid.

"You're a Seer?" Lucius asked, his grey eyes widening. Narcissa smiled, beaming.

"Now is not the time to discuss such things." Harry muttered, staring at his father. Even if he was away for no more than three and a half days, he felt as if he had grown far more independent and confident. He looked at his father like an equal, not as a parent he wanted to please. "I need your help," he refused to call Lucius by. "I need to see the Dark Lord, now."

Lucius raised a cool eyebrow. "The Dark Lord? I thought" he glanced at Narcissa. "I thought you wanted to become an assassin" mercury grey eyes then landed on the mark on his cheek. "You're a Seer?" he repeated again, almost stupidly. "How is that possible?"

Harry smirked, his green eyes bright. "Does it bother you, father? That I am a Seer and Draco isn't? I can see the futureI can see the outcome of the war." Really, he couldn't- at least not yet- but it was fun to watch his father's face turn green.

"Harrison," Lucius started, coming closer. "We need to talk about-,"

"I need to see the Dark Lord. Now." Harry ordered. "I know you know of his whereabouts. He resides in a manor on the coast of Wales- I just need you to get me there."

Lucius looked at Narcissa who stepped away from Harry. "Bring him, Lucius."

The blonde aristocrat gave a soft sigh. "Let me get my cloak and mask."

Harry watched through lowered lids as Lucius swept toward the cloak room. "Is there something I can do, Harrison?" Narcissa came back and swept back his wavy hair. He closed his eyes, bathing in his mother's love. He had missed her dearly. "I've missed you." She leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek, the one that was slowly tarnishing in color to his final stage of Seer.

Pythia had been proud of his results. It didn't take long to become a full fledged Seer, but he was doing extraordinary. And it was all because of her good teachings and being able to look at his inner soul.

"I've missed you also, mother." He turned and looked up at her, coming to about her shoulder. "But its time I do this by myself."

Narcissa didn't seem sad in the least. Instead, Harry could feel pride seep through her, as bright as the morning sun. "You've grown to be such a powerful young man, Harrison. Never forget that. Its time you fly solo." She swept his hair once more and stepped away as Lucius entered.

Harry watched Lucius fiddle with the silver mask of the Death Eater and approach him. "You are ready?" Harry nodded, reaching out a hand. Lucius encircled his wrist with his fingers and cracked away. Only Malfoy's were allowed to apparate and disparate inside the manor. For the first time in days, Harry was glad he was a Malfoy.

They arrived in front of a normal looking mansion. It was covered in shadows and the moon seemed to avoid casting light upon it. The mansion was on a cliff, being sprayed by the clashing waves below. Harry thought it needed lightning to make the scene even more sinister. There were no lights on inside, but he was sure Lord Voldemort wasn't sleeping. He had too much to do.

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