Chapter 2:Out on Your Own

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Harry nursed the broken skin on his elbow. It was another prank they pulled on him. 'Them' means his roommates. Every morning they had something new to experiment with and he was their test subject. Whether it was hiding his things, making him late, hurting him, anything they could do- they did it. "Stupid" Harry whispered to himself, tearing up like a furious child.

He already wrote to his mother, asking if she could talk to Draco about the dangerous pranks he pulls. She had written back, reassuring him that she had talked to Draco. It didn't show. And then, as his last resort, he asked Lucius, his father. That was around a week ago. His father had coldly commanded him to shape up and stop sniveling. After all, Slytherins don't whine to their parents.

Three weeks. Three weeks of hell. He hadn't talked to Neville or Hermione. His appetite was lost, causing his robes to fall off him like a hanger. And he hadn't been getting much sleep. The only thing going well for him right now is the professors. They seemed to have a soft spot for him and all his homework was above standards. In fact, he was ranked the highest in his year. Much to his brother's delight and Harry hadn't even gotten private lessons this summer as his brother did.


He blinked and looked around his dorm room. No one was in there.

Or appeared. "Oi, come off it Draco." He snapped, glaring into the shadows. "It's funny, I get it. Stop bothering me or people will think you have a crush on me." Grimacing deeply, he wiped away the tear on his cheek and at the blood. A drop of blood stained his parchment. It was his homework for potions.

"Cheer up, child." He caught a whiff of lilacs and stood abruptly, knocking over his textbook in the process.

"Voldemort?" Harry whispered brokenly, hearing a quiet chuckle. No matter how deep in the shadows he looked, he would never see Voldemort.

Brushing a piece of midnight black hair from his face, he glanced in the mirror. He looked pitiful in his own eyes. His aristocratic features and sharp angles were stunning, but the dull shine in his eyes made him look deplorable.

His homework was already done; he might as well get off his arse and mingle. Even Blaise had made friends with a few Ravenclaws, leaving him by his lonesome.

Cautiously opening the door, Harry ventured into the Common Room, ignoring the curious gazes. As he walked out the moving wall, he decided to make his way to the library. After all, if Hermione were anywhere besides the Gryffindor Common Room, she was surely in the library, studying to pass him. "Well, if it isn't the black sheep." Draco sneered, coming down the dungeon with his usual posse behind him.

Harry studied them. It was the usual five. Draco, Pansy, Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle. He was surprised Pansy hadn't convinced the rest of the girls to join their group, but the more he thought of it, Pansy acted high and mighty around the females as well. What made these five so special?

"And I suggest you put away your wands before you receive a black mark." Professor Snape seemingly appeared out of nowhere as soon as the five Slytherins took out their wands.

"B-but s-sir," Nott stuttered, confused.

"No buts, Nott." Snape mocked, sneering. "Unless you want detention with Professor Quirrell in eloquent lessons and behavior, I suggest you put your wand down. Now." The man's eyebrows rose expectantly. Harry felt slightly giddy. Having Professor Snape at your back was sure better than having him sneering down your neck.

"Professor, you can't seriously-," Draco started. After all, Severus Snape was his godfather.

"Detention with Professor Quirrell; Ms. Parkinson and you four; Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Malfoy... Draco." Black eyes sought him. "I will be informing Quirrell about this. He will be teaching you the proper way to speak to your housemates."

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