Chapter 35: You Think it's Funny

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"It's not working," a wizard cried as he patted his palm against the fireplace. Around him, many Ministry workers were in a frenzy, screaming and talking loudly amongst each other. Their useless wands were in their trembling hands, patting against their legs, hoping to ignite them once again. But it was useless.

Still sitting upon the bench, Draco bowed his head, chuckling lowly. This made his day... made his life. Pathetic wizards, they were all useless. The Atrium was no longer shimmering with raw magic; instead, it was dull- lifeless and dark. Candles were lit upon the chandeliers and walls, but it was still dark enough to strike fear in the light wizards. The Dark Lord would arrive in a moment...

Although Draco was having fun listening to their fears and speculations. Most of them were right as they assumed it was You-Know-Who... but others wouldn't believe it. After all, how could the Dark Lord possibly get through the Ministry? It was impossible.

By now, the eighth level was so crowded; people had trouble standing without brushing their shoulders against a neighboring wizard. It was all coming along wonderfully. Draco noticed there weren't any Unspeakables and Aurors as of yet, but the magic had just shut down- it would be awhile before they made it down to level eight.

Just then, an eerie sound filled the Atrium. It was a horrible creaking sound and it took the fools a long while to pinpoint where the sound was originating from. All eyes turned toward the descending elevator and horrible screams filled the area as the door opened to reveal masked Death Eaters. Draco stood up, his glamour washing away. It was time to claim their rightful spot in the wizarding world.

The unoccupied fireplaces came to life and ejected Death Eaters around the Atrium. The Ministry workers herded together in the middle of the hall, becoming lost sheep in a pack of wolves.

"This is a Ministry take over," One of the Death Eaters shouted, holding his wand out and a box in the other. "For those of you who want survive, I suggest you surrender your wands over." There were many vulnerable wizards through the Atrium who would follow whomever was in charge, whomever had the most power. And they would do so out of fear and reverence. The Dark Lord knew as such and decided to spare the wizards who were willingly smart enough to surrender. After all, they couldn't slaughter every light wizard.


Draco knew this idea was mostly Harrison's. Knowing his twin, his brother probably was hell bent on the Dark Lord, warning him of the repercussions of killing every light wizard in their path.

The sheep all hurried to surrender their wands, placing them in the box being passed around. So trustworthy... so pathetic.

Once the wands touched the box, they disappeared. No one but the Dark Lord knew where they were headed and he had a complex plan in mind when he decided to grant their wands back. Draco hadn't heard of the plan, yet he had an idea that the Dark Lord would register their wands himself, keeping tabs on each and every one of them. Well, perhaps not himself, but his followers would be assigned certain tasks in their new Ministry.

Draco kept his wand pointed at a few hesitating wizards. They looked back at him and then toward his pointing wand. Palling, they surrendered their wands.

Draco walked around the Atrium, frowning when he realized the Aurors and the Unspeakables still weren't present... "Odd," he whispered toward the Death Eater he knew to be Blaise Zabini. "Why aren't the Aurors or Unspeakables here? Defending their Ministry?" As soon as he spoke this, he felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. He didn't show any outward fear, but inside, he felt uncertain.

Blaise' dark eyes stared at his surroundings. A senior Death Eater set up the fireplace and a brilliant green fire erupted inside. He shooed the wandless wizards and witches toward the fireplace. Many of them believed they were walking to their death and chose to hold hands with a neighboring light wizard as they ran in the flames, disappearing from sight. Little did they know, they weren't going to die. It was only a temporary location the Dark Lord set up for those that had surrendered.

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