Chapter 26:Candy Clouds of Lullaby

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"Strip," Keiran ordered, slamming the door behind him. Harry eyed the man in the corner of the sterile room. This room was the lightest room he had encountered as of yet. The walls were even white not stone or dark. The man in the corner was old, and seeing his aura, he knew it was a Healer.

"Strip?" Harry inquired, grimacing. He was in no way ashamed of his body, in fact, he may be the opposite. Only, he felt...awkward in front of strangers. No one had seen him naked before. Merlin, why did he have to strip?

"Did I stutter?" Keiran raised his eyebrows, motioning for the Healer to get up and approach Harry. "Now child." Harry refused to show any vulnerability as he untied the golden tassel around his waist and allowed his cloak to drop to the floor. Next where the slacks until he stood in the room, completely naked.

He watched through lazy eyes as the Healer stood up and adjusted his glasses. In his hand, he held a needle and wand. "I'm taking blood first, nothing to be upset over." The old man inserted the needle in his arm and Harry watched as the syringe filled with crimson blood. The man took the blood sample and made his way across the room toward a contraption of some sort. Setting the sample inside the disc, it started twirling, using the magic around it to test for any impurities.

Keiran stood motionless in the corner of the room, looking almost like a statue with how immobile he was. Harry tried to mimic the man, only to rear backwards when a cold hand touched his ribs. Narrowing his eyes on the Healer, he made himself stay still as the man prodded his body with both his hands and his wand. Harry breathed heavily as the hand wandered lower. "There's nothing wrongdown there, you do not have to wander."

Keiran grinned. "Let the man do his job, apprentice."

Harry clenched his jaw, staring at the ceiling. "What was with you saving my arse today?" Harry wondered out loud. "I thought Master's allowed foul play between students. In fact, I would have thought you wanted to off me before you had to humiliate yourself with training me."

"He was out of place to lay hands on another student in such a manner, it is against our code." Keiran murmured. "As far as your training goes, apprentice, you won't be too hard to train. We'll focus mainly on your strengths."

"Oh?" Harry wondered out loud, raising his eyebrows in a mocking fashion. "And what may that be? I thought I didn't have any."

"Stop feeling such pity for yourself, child." Keiran shot back. "It is unbecoming."

"Sorry Master, I was just repeating what you said to me last night." Harry caught a ghost of a smile on the man's face and a flicker of emotion. But it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"You have a tongue on you, little one. And a far hotter temper then I would have originally thought. That can get you into trouble, with not only your enemies, but the other Masters here as well. I am far more lenient with my students then most Guild members."

Harry cocked his head to the side as the Healer's fingers and wand probed his neck. He winced lightly as the wand emitted a shock. "That is why the other apprentices are jealous of me then," Harry realized. "You don't beat the shit out of your apprentice and you don't force them to sleep on top of ice."

"And how do you know that I don't beat the 'shit' out of you?"

Harry gave a smirk. "Was that sarcasm, Master?"

The Healer cleared his throat, bringing the two men's attention on him. "He's severely underweight," his fingertips brushed across his revealing ribs again. "Do you suffer from any headaches?" The doctor asked. "Loss of appetite? Loss of sex drive? Fatigue?"

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