Chapter 29:Can You Hear Me

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The manor looked just like Harry remembered it. Clean, impressive, and rich. Everything about it reminded him of his mother. Narcissa loved the manor and he would often find her mulling about the manor, adjusting things to her liking.

"Impressive," Keiran murmured. "Your house?"

Regulus gave a snort. "Malfoy's were always known for their overwhelming sense of style." Harry tutted, guiding both of the vampires deeper into the dining room. "It's true," Regulus argued softly. "You have more money than you know what to do with it."

"If I recall," Harry drawled, frowning. "The Black family is just as well endowed." Regulus didn't respond, instead, he remained quiet. "I thought so," Harry grinned. "Dobby!" He turned, on his heel, waiting for the house elf to appear. Heaven forbid if his house elf was now gone as well.

"Master Harrison!" Dobby bowed low, trembling. "What can Dobby get for Master Harrison?"

"Is my brother here?" Harry asked.

"Of course he is, you idiot," a voice drawled superiorly. Harry looked up, grinning as he watched Draco make his way down the steps into the dinning room. His brother had an air of superiority around him; looking astonishingly like their father... it was almost deplorable. His twin's hair had grown to the base of his throat in strict straight strands and his face had narrowed out; loosing every ounce of baby fat. And the silver eyes seemed to become more intense with age.

The burns were just as noticeable as they were the day he got them.

"I've been waiting for you to return for almost half a year." Draco stepped off the last stair, gliding over to Harry with a small smirk on his face. The smirk turned into a sneer as he narrowed in on Dobby. "Go fetch our guests some food, Dobby." The house elf bowed and quickly vanished with Draco's snap. As his brother held up his hand, Harry noticed he was wearing his flashy Malfoy rings with pride.

Interesting... Harry had thought Draco would have hidden away at Hogwarts, among the students, and perhaps turned his nose at the Malfoy name because the rest of the population had. "How are you?" Harry asked softly, seriously. "You look as if you're handling things well enough."

"Of course," Draco responded arrogantly and Harry could sense Keiran's irritation. The vampire had always had hated arrogance... "Someone had to hold the Malfoy name up while his father lost himself in Azkaban and his brother went..." grey eyes flashed behind Harry at the two vampires. "Ah," Draco gave a bow at the waist. "With the assassins, like Zabini had hinted at. It's a pleasure."

Harry was proud of his twin with the show of respect. Draco wasn't stupid; he knew when to bend his neck and when to raise it.

Keiran and Regulus gave a sharp nod back, their eyes assessing Draco. His brother was also smart enough to know not to engage in conversation with them, knowing that he'd make a fool out of himself when they didn't respond.

Dobby returned with a feast that looked polished and took up half the table. He disappeared quickly after when Draco shooed him out of the room. The blonde aristocrat slowly made his way closer to the table, picking up a shiny red apple. "Are you here for good then?" Draco asked, wiping the apple skin on his dark navy robes. "The dark is in desperate need of you, this whole world is in shambles because of the Ministry and Dumbledore's old lackeys. Honestly," Draco sneered. "It's a disgrace how prejudiced it is now. I can hardly walk down Diagon Alley without someone insisting I bare my left forearm."

"I'm here to stay," Harry answered the original question, eyeing the food. When was the last time he ate a feast such as that? Oatmeal...that was it. "Why did you drop out of school?"

"I took up the Malfoy seat in the Ministry." Draco grinned. "And, seeing as I already purposed to my fiancé, I'm attempting to get Pansy Parkinson pregnant." He bit into his apple, looking as dignified as ever.

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