Chapter 32:As You Fade to Black

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Crouching down low, Harry could feel his pulse quicken as they came to a stop in front of the towering height of the front gate. Behind him, his army was following, on edge and just as excited as he was. With his Seer, he reached out and made certain there were no stranglers or frightened wizards paralyzed in terror. There were none. Hopefully Voldemort's group held no outliers.

Behind him, he led werewolves, assassins, students, and official Death Eaters. Voldemort led the same groups, werewolves excluded. While Harry was approaching Azkaban from the front, Voldemort had the back of the prison.

The Ministry would be arriving; he had no doubt about that. Along with the Order, the Aurors, and the Unspeakables. It was going to be a fun night tonight. Behind him, he was conscious of Keiran and Draco hovering. Sirius was standing next to Regulus, unconscious to the fact it was actually his brother under the face scarf. It was amusing to watch their interaction, no matter how brief.

"Do you feel them?" Draco breathed; his eyes bright through the Death Eater mask he wore. "Dementors." A shiver ran through the group behind Harry and murmurs grew louder as a solid shadow approached them from the prison's gates.

They had just crossed the rocky cliffs and now stood behind the solid silver gates of Azkaban. The sign above them groaned and screeched, creating an eerie symphony along side of the heavy waves shattering against the cliff's sides. The salt water sprayed their skin, confusing them with the slight drizzle coming from the heavy black clouds from above. Azkaban's rocky island was not especially beautiful to look at, if not dreary, but it was the perfect setting for a change in history.

Harry curled his hand around the bar to the gate gazing up at the crooked and stone prison. His father was locked inside one of those cells, probably insane with the population of dementors circulating the floor of his holding cell. He would probably have to relive Narcissa's last moments over and over again, watching as she struggled through her last breath. As much as Harry was angry at his father for choosing Draco as the Malfoy heir, he knew, without a doubt, that Lucius had suffered enough by staying here.

Green eyes darkened as they stared at the prison and the dementors floating in circles in the front entrance. They weren't aware of them. Yet.

As soon as Harry tackled the dementors, he was to signal Voldemort the ok to enter the prison. The Dark Lord would then enter with his army and go to the upper levels of the prison to free the Death Eaters that were being held captive. And hopefully the werewolves. Voldemort hadn't been able to find out where they kept the werewolves from his spies in the Ministry. It was a heavy guarded secret.

One that Harry hoped he could crack quickly as he entered the prison.

Closing his eyes briefly, Harry reached out with his Seer to tickle the dementors. They flinched away from the contact as if burned. Frowning, Harry realized his Seer was far too emotional for the dementors to handle. Which made him realize that he could chase them away from Azkaban with warm feelings. Feeling himself smirk, Harry bowed his forehead against the cool bars and focused on channeling his Seer to the population of dementors.

He was getting better of focusing on just one group of his prey and not everyone in proximity. Dementors had a similar aura and light... they were all somewhat linked together. He followed the dark link and sent jolts of happiness and joy throughout the creatures. Immediately, he could feel them shrivel and jerk under his control. Breathing heavily, Harry opened his eyes, watching as a few dementors escaped the prison and shoot away from the prison and away from his hold.

It wasn't long before the other dementors followed the others, escaping the prison's dark walls. "Bloody brilliant," Draco breathed behind him, watching the dark swarm of dementors trail a stain across the sky.

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