Chapter 30:Breathe Into Me

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Harry leaned on his hand as he stared at the man next to him. He had just gotten up from a much needed sleep and he had been surprised to note that the warm body next to him was still present. Bloody Dark Lord was actually sleeping. Not faking it, nor was he allowing his magic to dance across the room, alerting him when Harry was awake. He was peacefully sleeping. The man didn't look half as powerful as he did sleeping when he was awake. Seeing Voldemort sleeping was a step in a right direction. Hell, he had expected Voldemort to convert to his old self, taking their relationship a few steps backwards while Harry was away.

Harry was more than pleased at the end result. Perhaps his absence did Voldemort some good.

They still had many things to discuss, to talk about, to plan...but at the moment, Harry could care a less. He wanted something that he had avoided for so long. He wanted what Voldemort had been nagging him with ever since he revealed to Harry that they were Matches.

Quietly, he got up from the bed, his bare feet hitting the floor without a sound. He made his way into the bathroom and cast a silencing charm around it. Waking up Voldemort now would cause the man to have the upper hand in their act of dominance. Harry wanted to be the one starting their...bonding on his own terms.

His rib was feeling much better. Judging from the way the shadows in the room grew darker; Harry gathered that it was night once again. He pealed off the wrap around his waist, seeing the absence of the dark bruising. It was still slightly sore, but overall, healed.

Turning on the shower, he stepped under the spray, closing his eyes in bliss. The showers at the assassin castle were always cold and quick, having one now, was pure ecstasy. Harry turned the water hotter, enjoying as his skin turned a brilliant pink with the temperature. He lathered up with Voldemort's spicy soap, paying special attention to rub away the dried blood around his scars.

After tearing himself away from the shower, he stood nude in front of the Dark Lord's closet. He grinned as he ran his fingers through the dark cloaks. Nothing much to wear... ah... a wicked smirk crossed his features as he grabbed a silk shirt from the back. It buttoned up in the front and fell a few inches above his knees. He turned to the mirror, loving how the black silk shirt contrasted beautifully against his pale skin. What can he say? Malfoys and Blacks were vain, he just inherited both of their genes.

There was a crest on the chest, a crest that looked oddly like a Slytherin's coat of arms. Interesting. Voldemort probably wore this under his robes.

Taking a deep breath, he walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where Voldemort still slept, absolutely clueless. A malicious smirk crossed Harry's lips as he snuck closer to the man. His small body climbed up on the bed and toward the slumbering form. Muscles clenching, he straddled the Dark Lord's body, putting one leg on either side, making sure not to place his weight on the body yet.

He leaned forward, gently licking the exposed throat.

And that's when crimson eyes snapped open.

Harry allowed his weight to sit on Voldemort's lap, leaning back to watch as the man gathered his senses.

Voldemort's smirked, his hand immediately landing on Harry's exposed thigh. The arousal in the room was clear. "I suppose this is where you make it up to me for sleeping with you?" Voldemort murmured huskily, his fingers rubbing circles on the milky white thigh.

"No," Harry shifted his groin on top of Voldemort, causing the Dark Lord to give a throaty groan. "This is where I make sure my presence satisfies you enough." He threw the man's words back at him. "I want that gift you promised." The red eyed man chuckled, pleased.

Using his free hand, he plucked a few buttons loose from Harry's shirt, revealing his bare chest and shoulders. "My, what a sharp tongue," Voldemort murmured, his hand dancing down Harry's side and settling at his other thigh. His fingers tightened, grinding Harry's small body down and thrusting his own pelvic upward. Their groins brushed together and the man repeated the action a couple of more times, becoming harsher and faster each thrust.

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