Chapter 3:Lock Me Up Inside

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"Draco dear," Harry stopped in the doorway, watching through his black bangs as his mother gave Draco a deep hug. "I've missed you so." Narcissa looked incredibly beautiful. Her long white hair fell to her back in elegant curls. A diamond barrette held back her bangs and revealed her sharp featured face. So fair and stunning. Harry could clearly see he got his mother's delicate aristocratic features.

Bright green eyes glanced toward the shadows where his father stood. Lucius was cold and assessing. Mercury eyes, so like his sons, watched Draco and his wife reunite. Being oddly observant for his age, Harry could tell a gentle smile lay on those thin lips of his father.

He looked away.

Shutting the door to the cold wind, he took off his leather gloves and placed them upon his trunk. Dobby would gather his belongings later and bring them up to his chambers.

"Harrison?" Narcissa's soft voice pulled his attention on to her. Draco was out of her arms and casually getting a pat from his father. His mother's bright blue eyes were assessing him with amazement. "Since when did you grow up, young man?" She held out her arms for him and Harry hesitated. His mother had never been this warming.

Cautiously, he stepped into her embrace and inhaled her perfume. She always smelt like small bits of vanilla and frost. He knew that wasn't her perfume it was her power. Going through countless of books at Hogwarts, Harry still hadn't found out the reason he could smell some people's magic and why some didn't even have a scent. Like Draco had no scent and most the children at Hogwarts.

The strongest scent he could smell always came from Dumbledore.

And Voldemort.

Her arms tightened around him. "You look more and more like Regulus and I everyday. So beautiful." Her fingers gently brushed back a piece of black hair from his eyes. From the corner of his eye, Harry watched Draco sneer.

"It's good to see you mother." Harry responded coolly. "I hope all is well?" She gave him a smile and parted.

"As well as things can go." Harry stepped back and glanced at his father. Lucius surveyed him and raised an elegant eyebrow.

"Harrison," Lucius held out his hand. Clenching his jaw, Harry calmly shook it. His father tightened his hold, almost painfully so. Refusing to back down, Harry tightened his own hold. "Still staying stubbornly small, I see."

Harry sighed softly, letting the grasp go. Narcissa cleared her throat softly while Draco sniggered. "Let's get ready for dinner, shall we?" Narcissa guided Draco away and Harry followed gloomily at their heels. The manor was decorated richly. Gold and green was the main color scheme with crimson and silver. Harry eyed the crimson, taking comfort in the color.

The smell of deep evergreen littered the house. It was the smell of Christmas with its spices and sweets of peppermints. As a child, he always enjoyed Narcissa making him a cup of hot chocolate with a stick of peppermint sticking sweetly to the side of the mug. She made herself and him the drink every Christmas morning before Draco woke up. Those were the times he favored. Even if they didn't talk much to one another during their drinking, her presence always soothed him.

"Will we be holding a ball this year, mother?" Draco questioned softly as he sat down at Lucius right. Narcissa sat on Lucius' left and Harry chose to sit near his mother tonight. He had enough of Draco the past half of the year.

"Not this year, my dragon." Narcissa sighed softly, giving Lucius a glance.

As soon as Lucius sat down, they all were allowed to follow suit. As Harry grabbed his silk napkin and placed it on his lap, food magically appeared in front of him. The smell of warm quail made his mouth water. Of course, he had to wait until his father ate the first bite. Once he did, Harry placed the tender meat on his tongue, enjoying the spice and meat.

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