Chapter 7: Lie Cold in the Ground

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"A Seer can sense any emotion from an individual. I hope you, despite your ignorance of your gift, have noticed it easy to read people." Pythia glanced hard at him. Harry looked at Blaise with a tight tension in his lips. The black boy grinned back at him, lounging arrogantly on the grass.

They were settled down in the gardens. When Harry had first stepped foot in the gardens, he felt relaxed and at peace. Gorgeous flowers sprouted beautifully from the ground, not one flaw in any petal or stem. Bright blues and soft yellows ranged from one side with pinks and purples on the other end. There was a small maze which was decorated with dangerous and sharp thorns, but at the base of each thorn laid a startling bright purple flower.

A fountain squirted water. Unlike the fountain at the Malfoy manor, the Zabini's was simple. It didn't have water jets but a slow fall, creating soothing drops in the quiet environment. Harry always enjoys closing his eyes and concentrating on his 'inner soul' while listening to the gentle fall of the water.

At the moment, he was kneeling in front of Blaise and Pythia. Both mother and son looked regal and at home on the ground. Harry marveled at the sight.

"Seers are empathetic. We are aware of everyone individual's emotions and we can make them feel something in return." She gestured at Blaise. "What is he feeling?"

Harry took a deep breath, gazing at Blaise.

If he hadn't spent all day yesterday, Seeing himself and his soul, he would have thought this impossible. But already, he started to become sensitive around people. Granted, the only people here were Blaise and Pythia, but he had found it enlightening that he could sense most of their feelings.

"He's feeling amused," Harry said dryly, narrowing his eyes. "I didn't even need to 'feel' him to know that. He wears his emotions on his face." Blaise's lips twitched and he chuckled lowly.

"Blaise," Pythia warned softly, keeping her bright blue gaze on Harry. She was sitting with her back straight and her hands curled in her lap. "You shouldn't even need to see his face, Harrison." Pythia turned the conversation back on Harry. "Close your eyes. Feel him."

Harry glowered at a smirking Blaise. The boy hadn't even talked to him since he'd gotten there, just quietly observing him. It didn't upset Harry in the least; he was just slightly confused as to why Blaise was still avoiding him.

Closing his eyes, he could still feel the strong amusement from Blaise. But then it turned to something else. At first he felt warmth on his face and then his whole body shuddered. "Excitement," Harry smiled slightly, his eyes still closed.

"Good." Pythia commented and Harry could feel slight smugness from her. "When you get farther in your training, feeling one's emotions will come as easy as breathing. Which is why I'll teach you to shield yourself. You're doing far better than I thought, Harrison."

"All because of you, My Lady." Harry shot back, opening his eyes.

He eyed the mark on her cheek. It was so dark and bold. Yesterday, he had looked in the mirror, only to see a faint outline of the mark on his cheek. It looked gold- the first color in the stage of becoming a full fledged Seer. Next it would turn silver and then black- a shimmering onyx. Being a Seer was an honor. A certain honor that each side of the war would die to have on their side, thus, Harry would be stuck with the black mark on his cheek forever. Seers were proud creatures and would never hide their mark.

However, when a Seer lost their emotions or grasp on their inner soul, the mark would slowly start to fade. Say, Pythia cut off all senses to herself and become completely cold and stoic, the black mark on her cheek would fade and slowly diminish. Of course it could come back, but it was difficulty seeing yourself after you cut ties with your inner soul.

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