Chapter 28: Open Your Eyes Hypnotized

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"You'll do fine," Alex spoke near his ear. If Harry hadn't felt his destroyed aura approaching, he might have been startled by the sudden voice near his ear. Brilliant green eyes directed their attention toward Alex, Regulus' apprentice. The boy was cold, no longer carrying his bright aura. Instead, the bright dimmed into something far more...insane. Alex had always been a loose nut, and it showed through. Harry narrowed his eyes at the boy, looking over his shoulder at Regulus.

"Do you train all your apprentices to mirror your cousin?"

Regulus looked flabbergast. "I don't know what you're talking about, Harrison."

Raising his eyebrows, Harry watched Keiran make his way over. "Bellatrix? Does it ring a bell?"

His cousin winked at him. "Good luck, Harrison. You'd better make it out of here or we'll have to deal with an angry Dark Lord..." Regulus took Alex around the shoulders and pushed him toward the arena. Everyone was going to be watching the fight between the Head's apprentice and the Hand's apprentice. Harry tried not to get himself too nervous, because he knew he'd succeed.

"You're not nervous, are you?" Keiran drawled, placing his arm around Harry and guiding him further down the corridor, away from the arena. Harry took comfort in the gesture, leaning into the hard and cold chest of his Master.

"No," Harry replied quietly. "I think I'm just ready to go back home... my Seer, he told me things were bad. And Voldemort thinks I've turned into a cold hearted assassin. No offense, Master."

"None taken," the vampire replied amused. They stepped in the shadows and Keiran let Harry go, holding him at the shoulders at arms length away. With an assessing hand, Keiran traced his jaw and neck. "You're tense, have you stretched?" Harry refused to let his thoughts wander on the hand on his skin. Keiran had done it before why was everything so different now?

"I've stretched, Master, yes." He replied wearily.

Keiran looked at him with his yellow eye. "Come on," he turned Harry around and forced the smaller closer to him. Harry tensed as he felt hands on his shoulder's, kneading them in a massage. "I want to apologize again for failing you." Harry frowned, confused. "I thought I could keep your Seer with you, but I was unsuccessful."

"You tried though," Harry murmured; closing his eyes as his Master destroyed his tension. "I can't really blame you. How can someone, who has been trained not to feel anything, expect to keep their apprentice's emotions in tack?" He sighed. "It doesn't matter now. I learned my lesson." He pulled away from the massage, feeling a brief sensation of loss. And it didn't come from him.

He stood stiffly, facing away from Keiran. The vampire was feeling things for him. Harry took a shaky breath, clenching his fists together. This couldn't happen. Not when Harry had Voldemort. Perhaps if he just tried to ignore it, Keiran would either get the hint or he wouldn't say anything about it. Harry was guessing the later. The Master vampire was probably ashamed at what he was feeling anyway. Harry, himself, felt somewhat ashamed that it was his Seer affecting things. That was the only downside of having the powers of a Seer.

"Do you have your dagger?" Keiran asked.

"Yes, Master," Harry sheathed his dagger looking at the unique blade. He had fallen in love with it ever since his mother placed it in his hands. "I'm ready." He flashed the vampire a grin, bowing to him at the waist. "You've trained me well, Master Keiran; I would like to thank you for all you've done." What he said rang true. When he had abandoned his emotions and his Seer, he distinctively remembered how hesitant Keiran became when he noticed Harry's change. The vampire had tried, countless of times, to try to talk with Harry about his loss of emotions. And Harry had tuned him out, thinking he knew everything.

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