Chapter 15:Freefall

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"You haven't meditated lately," it wasn't a question. Just a statement.

Harry rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, grinning ear to ear. The white's around his eyes were red and there were deep circles surrounding his striking feature. Even those brilliant green eyes seemed slightly dim. "Lately?" Harry questioned, giving an almost choked-like laugh. "I haven't meditated since the first day of school." He looked around. "Have you seen Neville?"

He tried to push past Blaise, but the black wizard shot out his hand and curled it around Harry's arm. "You've been avoiding me and the rest of the Slytherin's lately." The handsome young man shook his head. "No, there I go again, using the word 'lately'. You've been avoiding me since the start of term, Harrison. In, fact-,"

"Blaise, I apologize, but really, I'm more than fine!" He patted the boy's hand on his arm. "I've been just really busy. The homework the professor's give us, the prefect duties, and Neville always needs help in potions. We can't send him off to the Dark Lord unprepared, can we?" Harry scoffed, head and eyes twitching subconsciously.

"That's it," Blaise shook his head again, looking at Harry as if he were a dirty hag. "I'm telling my mother. It's October, Harrison. You haven't meditated since the start of September. You've been hanging around Longbottom too much and calling him Neville as if you like him-,"

"He's really not so bad." Harry shrugged, frowning. "You just need to get used to him." Well, Neville did seem to ignore Harry in a way, but he needed to just push past that barrier. Hermione and he got on fine. Especially when she wanted questions answered about their homework. Actuallythe more Harry thought about it, the more he realized that's all Hermione wanted to talk to him about. Odd.

"You're Seer mark is fading," Blaise seemed shocked, his eyes wide. "You haven't Seen any visions, have you? Merlin, Harry, what the hell is wrong with you"

Harry leaned forward, his lips close to Blaise's ear. "I've been thinking lately, Blaise. Actually, Headmaster Dumbledore has been talking with me. I've gotten it all wrong. Lord Voldemort isn't exactly the best wizard to follow in this war. He's completely delusional if he thinks he can win this war. And I know you, Blaise. You don't like being on the loosing side. Hell, Dumbledore already has the Ministry at his disposal, the giantsand I can court the magical creatures easily for him. It's all in the palm of our hand."

Blaise reared back, slamming his palms against Harry's chest and pushing him backward. The smaller boy stumbled and hit the wall. "You're bloody insane." With that, Blaise took off in a sprint toward the Divination tower. Harry contemplated on asking Blaise to pass on his greetings to his mother for him, but decided against it. He hadn't seen Pythia this year yet. They always seemed to hit and miss each other in the hallways and he didn't have Divination, so he wouldn't see her in class

Perhaps he could stop by and pay her a visit.

Harry shook his head at Blaise's back. He didn't understand why he had thought the boy was decent to be around. People change; perhaps he had finally changed- finally woken up to the world around him. Merlin, he had been sodense. Supporting a lost cause in Voldemort when the man would only use him for his own selfish purposes? Going around like a stick was stuck up his arse? Hiding in the shadows?

And he didn't care much about his fading Seer ability. Dumbledore had discussed the negative side affects for altering someone's emotions. Harry scoffed and continued down the hallway. He had used to take pleasure in causing people pain. He had thought it amusing. It was rather immature. He had been immature.

"Harry!" Hermione beckoned him over with a gloved hand. "Are you coming?"

He tightened his cloak about his throat, grinning as he made his way over to her. It was Hogsmeade weekend and he was looking forward to spending more time with Hermione and Neville. Ron too although the red head never really seemed to talk around him. It wasn't in Harry's place to change Ron's feelings for him. Free will was powerful something Harry wouldn't take away from the youngest male Weasley.

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