Chapter 4:Sweet Sacrifice

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Pacing, Harry took a deep breath and switched directions.

His Slytherin robes rustled, but they never made a sound. It was eerie- how completely quiet he was when he was moving. It was the one reason why countless of women and men requested time with him. Not just the way he moved attracted them, but his charm and his appearance. He was still petite, but not painfully so. His black silky hair fell in loose waves around his glowing skin and his eyes were so agonizingly green. He was a Slytherin heart throb.

But not so Slytherin.

It was the very end of his fifth year and Draco was still aggressively hard on him. Draco ran Slytherin. He actually had the nerve to tell his peers that he was going to be the Dark Lord's right hand man when he returned. And the funny thing about it- was they believed him. So Draco had power over his Slytherins- even the sixth and seventh years. There was an unspoken rule not to go near Harrison. Not to befriend Harrison. Not to date Harrison.

That didn't mean Harry didn't talk to some of them. Of course, that was when Draco wasn't around. The girls always gave him sly looks and flushed when he directed his attention on them.

Harry had enough of this. Next year, starting now, he would show Draco that he wasn't at all what he thought he was. His mother wouldn't be pleased- but he wasn't going to live like this during his last two years of Hogwarts. It was his prime- it was his time to shine now.

And it was Voldemort's time to shine.

Harry gave a sigh, pacing more heatedly. "Harrison?" Slowly, Harry turned to look at Pansy. He gave a malicious smirk that seemed predatory. She blushed deeply, looking away to gain her confidence. That was another thing that highly amused him. Draco's ideal bride had an enormous crush on him.

"What is it, Pansy?" He stopped his pacing and stood still, bright eyes on her.

"Why aren't you attending the Third Task? Isn't Longbottom your whipping boy?" He huffed, turning his back on her.

"I prefer not to get in the middle of a catastrophe." In the mirror, he watched her give a bemused look and leave. Of course she wouldn't know what he was talking about. Only he knew what was going to happen to Neville and Cedric.

And he could hardly wait.

Despite the fact Voldemort would come back and favor his brother like everyone else, he was getting bored of Neville and his two cronies. For the life of Harrison, he had tried to be close friends with them. What did they do? Slowly distrust him every year. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he was devastated over their lack of trust just because of his last name.

He had just wanted to fit in. He just wanted a friend.

But all that's changed now. He grew up and turned bitter to friends or any other relationship. There was no such thing as relationships- nothing but a relationship between a mentor and a student and perhaps a mother and a son. Nothing else.

He had dated Cho Chang. She cheated on him with Cedric. He had dated Parvati Patil and what did she do? Crush on Dean Thomas.

Harry gave a bitter laugh. There were no romantic relationships that were right for him. Nothing would ever work out. When Parvati betrayed him, he had laughed, not at all hurt. That had been only last year, when he was slowly turning sour to relationships.

But he was still hanging around the 'Golden Trio'; for reasons completely opposite of his intentions in first year and second year. What better way to aid Voldemort by getting close to the enemy?

Harry vowed he would make Voldemort see him as something more valuable than his brother. After all, he had the highest grades in Hogwarts- already receiving an award for his studies and getting the Medal for Magical Merit. Professor Snape had already shared with him that he would be Prefect next year for his sixth year and possibly be Head Boy in his seventh.

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