Chapter 10: You don't believe in me

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They were eating.

Harry refused to lift his eyes from his plate, in fear of loosing the food he had just consumed. All around him, he could hear slurping, smacking, licking, grunting if he closed his eyes, he could imagine he was eating with a lot of wild boars. "So Harry," he winced at the mouth full of food, already knowing it was Ron. "A Seer, huh? I guess you and Trelawney would hit it off."

Eyes twitching, Harry felt his anger rise in his chest. How dare they even compare him to Trelawney? Holding in his angry remark, Harry calmly placed his fork down and picked up the napkin laying so politely on his lap. Making sure all his food was down before he opened his mouth, he looked up at the hideous sight the red head made all of the red heads. "Manners, Ronald," Mrs. Weasley warned. "I'm sure Harrison is utterly appalled at your manners. All your manners," she glared at the whole table, mainly her sons.

"Not all of us learned pureblood manners by being hit with sticks when we did something bad." One of the twins whispered spitefully and Harry refused to rise to the bait.

"Actually, Ron, Professor Trelawney is not a Seer." He glanced over at Sirius, the head of the table. Neville and he seemed awfully close, the two grinning ear to ear at something Sirius muttered. Harry repressed a sneer. Such show of affection would not go unnoticed by Longbottom's enemies. They would target Sirius Black in a heartbeat if they knew how easily it was to draw Neville into their hands.

Neville hardly changed over the summer. He was still average height, average weight- if not on the flabby side, and his hair was still the same short cut. There was nothing interesting to look at with Longbottom- save for his lightning bolt scar so clearly seen on his forehead. His blue eyes were sorevealing. They glanced at Harrison and smiled. Sirius looked over and seemed to be caught in Harry's gaze.

Becoming uncomfortable with the man's overwhelming stare, Harry turned his attention across from him at Ginny. The girl caught his stare and looked down at her plate, her cheeks slightly flushed. She had definitely grown over the summer. It appeared that she had finally grown her womanly curves and her flaming red hair grew out down her back. She was pretty, Harry wouldn't deny it. She had a certain air about her that took away from her plainness. Her brown eyes caught his brilliant green and he gave her a slight smile. The two had always talked to one another, just not as much as he 'talked' with the trio.

"How is she not a Seer?" Ron interrupted Harry before he could greet Ginny. She gave him a roll of the eyes and Harry smirked back. Although she was easy on the eyes, Harry would- no- could never see himself with her.

"She's more of a Prophet," Harry started, stabbing his string bean. Ron hadn't changed in the least. He just shot up in height and stretched out like a pole. Rather unsightly if Harry had anything to say about it. "She speaks prophecies but she doesn't remember them. Seers on the other hand, See visions of the future and past and we remember them. They don't come to us as prophecies like Prophets- but dream like."

Beside him, Hermione was nodding her head heatedly. Her hair seemed to be less frizzy and more curlier- that was the only difference Harry could see from Hermione. She opened her mouth and started to lecture Ron on more details and the red head paled, giving Harry a helpless look. The Malfoy just grinned and ate his green vegetables.

"So Harry," one of the twins started and Harry refused to even look at them. The twins had never liked him at school and Harry knew the two would be the hardest to adapt to. "Or Harrison,"

Ginny and Ron all groaned, knowing what was coming. "Yes Fred?" Harry couldn't help it. He knew the difference between the two- he just chose not to notice the physical differences. Fred smelt like exotic fruit while Hermione smelt like daises and George smelt like soil. Neville and Ron, along with Author Weasley didn't really have any smell to their magic. Ginny smelt like spices and Sirius smelt like frost.

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