Chapter 11:Set Your Guilt Free

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Dear Harrison,

No words can describe how happy I am that you've completed your training and are now a full fledged Seer. I did a good job, no? Alas, if it hadn't been for your eagerness and dedication, I would have had a harder time trying to make you into who you are today. You've shown me leaps and bounds, something that will stay with me the rest of my short existence. But I'll save my congratulations until Blaise and I come back from our summer trip. He's very anxious to see you once again; I can See itfeel his excitement and curiosity at seeing you again.

As far as your question regarding our visions, it is up to you. Seers are powerful creatures, Harrison. We can see into the veiled past and also witness the uncertain future. Death is all but Fate's plan for us. As I have told you before, I have had many husbands whom I've seen die in my visions. Where you Saw Draco getting killed by the Avada Kedavra, all my husbands were naturally killed. I tried to stop the illnesses or the snake bites, but each time, I had failed. It pains me so that no matter how hard I tried, my visions always came true.

What I'm trying to say, my dear student, is that you may succeed and you may not. Even if Fate has a stern hand, only Seers have the power to ease up her hand and give mercy. But I must warn you. Even if you do succeed in saving your brother, you have to remember you twisted Fate. It was written in Draco's destiny to die young. And it will remain that way. No matter how many times you save him, Fate will keep pushing until he is dead.

It's always a win/loose situation with Lady Fate. She has a very deep hatred for Seers.

Keep your chin up, Harrison. And enjoy your birthday.

Keep meditating,

Pythia Zabini

Harry smoothed out the letter and gave a deep sigh. Her letter comforted him and set him off guard at the same time. So Fate would always attempt to kill Draco, no matter how many times Harry saved his brother?

Harrison placed the letter on his bedside. Was it even worth it? Draco was a bloody prat to him, why should he concern himself with saving the blonde brat?

He turned and looked in the mirror. His stunning facial planes reminded him of his mother. And thinking of the beautiful Narcissa made him realize that Draco was indeed his brother. His mother would have wanted him to protect family, no matter how cruel they were. "You win, mother," Harry whispered, his voice melodious. "I'll save your son, only because you love him." Or, at least he'd try to save Draco. Like Pythia had stated, she had tried countless of times to save her husbands and each time, she had failed.

"Harry," Sirius poked his head into his room. After those dark grey eyes landed on him, the man grinned ear to ear. "You look fabulous," his voice was taunting and high. Harry sneered in the man's direction, tugging on his dress robes.

"What do you want, Sirius?" Harry asked, bored. The man seemed to be absolutely irritating lately. When Harry had learned there was a deeper side to Sirius, the Black seemed to turn into the most obnoxious man around the house. Granted, he still seemed to stick around Harry and help him with the darker tomes in his library, but he was well annoying.

Sirius stepped into the room, wearing white and black dress robes. "You seem to be running late," his eyebrows rose. "You were supposed to be their ten minutes ago." A ruthful grin spread across his face. "Are you trying to be late to get one over on your father? Just like you're doing with the colors of your robes?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Harry tried to withhold a smirk. "I'm going to be 'fashionably' late. And my robes are perfectly fine." Sirius was right, but Harry would never admit it out loud. Everything; from being late, for dressing in these robes, to having Ginny Weasley on his armwould all make his father go through the roof.

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