"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."- Wendy Mass
My alarm was blaring letting me know it was about that time. I slapped the snooze button then closed my eyes for five minutes. I opened them back up- so that they could adjust to the light. Liese was probably already at work. She hated procrastination, and being late. Although, I may come off as a bitch it's just a protective mechanism. I also might argue and fight with Anna- but that will always be my main. I slid through to her kickback to apologize- but soon as Mr. I like to steal came through I jetted. I had enough of him for one day.
I'm not worried 'bout a thing, Cause I know you are guiding me
My phone started ringing. I instantly knew it was my mommy soon as I heard Michelle's voice.
"Hey mommy" I squealed, sitting up in the bed, simultaneously pulling my hair up into a high bun.
"Hey baby, I didn't hear from you yesterday. I was just checking to make sure everything was fine." she responded, probably with a smile on her face.
I was definitely the biggest mommy's girl in the world. Next to Anna that was my first best friend. I and dad didn't see eye to eye so much. He didn't consider my clothing store, and business degree a substantial income.
"Honey Bee you come from a family of lawyers, doctors, teachers, and pediatricians. You want to disgrace that by becoming a business owner."
I internally rolled my eyes once that statement popped into my head. When it came to my store it wasn't about the income-it was seeing women of all races smile because they were stylish without going broke. I shook those thoughts away.
"Nah. I wasn't in the mood mommy. Anna, and I got into it about a friend of Kaydence's." I replied, while plucking at the string hanging from my comforter.
"Ahh, you mean Trin's father Qasim?" she inquired, making a light popping sound with her tongue.
"Yeah, that hoodlum. I didn't catch his name yesterday, nor did I ask for it. How do you know him anyway?" I inquired, rolling my eyes.
"Q is actually a very nice man baby, he doesn't have a squeaky clean background. However, who in life actually does. Everyone is faced with opposition at least once in life. Others rationally think their decisions through, then you have those that think within the moment. Q thinks within the moment. However, to answer your question I knew his mother. He also comes to church every Sunday, and he fixes up the cars for little to nothing almost when they break." she replied, clearing her throat.
That's one thing I admired about my mom. She always saw the good in people no matter what they may have done- or how bad their past is. I guess that trait I hadn't picked up on- but I was a work in progress.
"Well I didn't get that from him yesterday. He called me all out of my name- and treated me like I was some bird brain teenager." I answered, feeling myself get worked up all over again.
"What did you do Honey? I know you, I had you, and I also know you inherited my mouth piece. So, my dear what happened?" she questioned, letting out a small yawn.
"I might have overreacted just a little after Anna told me he was just getting out of jail. I also called him a thief, a commoner, and I might have said he was casing our store." I rushed out, waiting on her mouth.
She let out a small sigh
"What am I going to do with you? I cannot believe you said that Honey. That was rude, and extremely uncalled for." she stated, probably shaking her head back and forth.

Winter's Love
قصص عامةHoney Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...