2 weeks later
I honestly think I was at peace the most when I was working on cars, or doing something with Trinity. Trin was my greatest achievement in life. If I didn't do right by her- then she'd feel like it was okay for a nigga to treat ha like shit. I was raising a Queen not a 2 dollar hoe.
I was in mid thought when Don brought his aggy ass around the corner.
"Aye, newbie we got a damsel in distress. She said her car won't crank. she needs to be dropped off at work-but she needs to fill out forms for her car first." He stated, walking back around the corner.
Don was one of those niggas who grew up with it all- but tried hard to pretend he came from lesser. I never understood why people who grew up not having to worry about their next meal wanted that struggle life so bad. Shits not where it's at. I had no respect for pretending ass nigga.
I went around the corner to the front.
"Don I ain't got no address or nothing." I spoke, feeling a little agitated with him.
"I thought you jacked all the cars in every neighborhood so you should know" he chuckled, while handing me the pink slip.
I just glared at him. If he wasn't the owners son I would beat his ass. This nigga always had smart ass comments. I snatched the slip- and made my way to the tow truck.
I cranked it up, switched the radio station, and made my way to the address on the pink slip.
2374 Hemingway Circle
I recognized the address was in a neighborhood I used to jack a lot. I made my way down the road bobbing my head to Kevin Gates Smiling Faces. The drive took less than 30 minutes. I pulled up and saw this cute lil thang with a pair of shades hiding her eyes, and a red bull in hand. After further examination I realized it was Honey. Shorty looked a lot different dressed down.
"So what's going on with ya car?" I questioned, looking over at the all white Camaro with the peanut butter leather inside. Lil one had nice taste.
"When I crank it, it makes this clunking noise." She replied, letting out a small sigh.
I could tell she was stressing about something- but it wasn't my place. Nor did I feel like being Dr.Phil.
"Crank it up for me" I spoke, making my way towards the hood.
It cranked, clunked, and shut right back off.
"When's the last time your car was serviced?" I inquired, while writing some stuff down.
"Ehh, possibly a year now." She responded, with an unsure look.
"You need a new battery, and servicing to your car." I replied, while writing a few more things.
She nodded and made her way to the truck. I followed suit, grabbing everything I needed to hook her car to the flatbed. Once it was secured I hopped in the truck.
I cranked the car up and Posed to Be in Love blared through the speakers.
I nodded my head content with the silence in the car and something hit me.
"Why'd you refuse to give the shop your name?" I asked, turning the radio down a bit.
She took a sip of her Red Bull and placed it back in the cup holder.
"Because Don has a nice way of annoying me to no end. We went to school together from elementary to high school. He told the whole school he took my virginity. Although, even though it was a lie people believed him because he had money, popularity- and I was the loner nerd who came from money, but never tried to flaunt it." She replied, staring out the window.
"You, not flaunting your money. Could have fooled me with that expensive ass purse you rocking." I chuckled, glancing over at her.
I finally fully looked over at her and she had this stale look on her face. It was kinda cute actually.
"Why you looking at me like that?" I questioned, making a right on to the street for the shop.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head
"I get tired of people judging me off of the fact that my parents have money. Just like everybody else." she mumbled, trying to open the door- but I stopped her.
"How it feel?" I inquired, letting her arm go.
She scrunched up her face and narrowed her eyes.
"What are you talking about Winters?" She asked, face full of confusion.
"To be judged based off of a conversation" I replied, with a small smirk.
"Oh, It doesn't feel so good actually" she stated, unlocking the door.
"Welcome to my world" I responded, hitting the switch to release her car.
I watched as she got out. She was really gorgeous, I enjoyed her bare face without all that makeup. As I was getting ready to start on her car I saw Don harassing her. I started to let her be- but she looked highly uncomfortable. I made my way towards the two
Aye ma, you good?" I questioned, wrapping an arm around her waist.
A look of shock-then relief washed over her face.
"Newbie, no fraternizing with the customers" he snarled, shooting a glare my way.
"You fraternizing with my shorty though" I challenged, tightening my hold in her waist- and kissing the top of her head.
He had this unsure look on his face like he wasn't sure if he should believe me.
I was thankful for Q stepping in like that. Don was an asshole who believed every woman that graced this earth wanted him. He was sadly mistaking. He narrowed his eyes at me- so I knew he was thinking of a smart comeback.
"I never pegged you for being into the hood-rats" he spoke, rolling his eyes.
I chuckled at his blatant stupidity.
"We aren't associates, friends, or anything of that matter- so you don't know my type." I spat, growing agitated with his presence.
"I guess since you two are one you wouldn't mind kissing huh?" He challenged, with a small smirk on his face.
I hated this dude with a passion. He was like that nagging mosquito that just won't stop until it bites. I wasn't sure what to do until I felt Q shift in front of me. He looked into my eyes for a moment before his mouth covered mine.
We kissed for a moment and I surprised myself when I slipped my tongue in his mouth. I was really into this fake kiss, and obviously so was he. He gripped my ass with one hand, and I let out a moan in his mouth. We finally came up for air- and I bit down on his bottom lip watching it pop back into place. Just for effect I reached up and wiped the gloss off his lips.
"Don what time is my car going to be done?" I asked, trying my best not to laugh at him.
"Ask your boyfriend" he snapped, rolling his eyes.
"Look, I don't have time for ya mechanic bullshit" I stated, rolling my eyes.
"Hopefully, if we don't have to order anything your car will be done by the time you get off ma" I intervened, seeing where this was headed.
Don mugged me- and went off around the corner...I signed off on the paperwork that her car was under my servicing.
"Aye, shorty I'ma get AK to take you back to the shop. The sooner I get this shit started- the better." I spoke, yet she looked everywhere but me.
I laughed inwardly- she just had her tongue all down a nigga throat, and now she wanna be bashful and shit. I started to fuck wit ha- but there would be other times. Kaydence came from the back sipping a Glacier Cherry Gatorade.
"Yo, AK can you take shorty back to her shop. I'ma start on ha joint." I explained, passing him the keys.
He nodded, and Honey trailed off behind him never looking my way.
"Aye ma" I yelled, turning around and walking backwards.
She lifted her head for a brief moment
"You look better bare faced....I mean the makeup is nice- but that gloss, and bare face make me wanna bend ya over." I chuckled, and winked jogging off to my station.
She had her mouth wide open-and then she rolled her eyes- and gave me the finger.
A day in the life of this mechanic bullshitOkay, all three books have been updated, and I'm shocked at myself a little. Anyway, I'll start chapters- but they probably won't be published until Friday. so I have a semi schedule- and so far it seems to be working. Yay me! As always, enjoy-and excuse all mistakes.☺️-C.Pacino

Winter's Love
General FictionHoney Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...