I had just pulled the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven when there was a knock on the door. I wiped my hand on the dish rag, and headed towards the door.
"Is that my daddy Mrs. O?" Trin squealed, taking off behind me.
"I don't know- but we're about to see huh?" I questioned, taking a look through the peep hole.
I chuckled because all I saw was beard.
I opened the door and Trin bum rushed her dad firing a million questions. I swear she reminded me of Trin always up under her father. Lately they haven't been seeing eye to eye because of her career move.
"Mrs.O, Trin and I are going to get out ya way. By the way, I got the job." He spoke, smiling from ear to ear.
I smiled back because it was rare to see Qasim smile unless he was joking with his boys, or teasing Trin.
"Why you rushing daddy? Mrs.O just made chocolate chip cookies." Trin squealed, with her hands on her hips.
This little girl was too much just to be 7.
"I guess we can stay a little longer" Q replied, tickling Trin causing her to erupt in a fit of giggles.
I adored their relationship. Despite Q's past and current mistakes you couldn't deny he's a great father. I never asked too much about his personal, but I always wondered what happened to Trin's mother. Trin was a gorgeous lil thang with a head full of curls to die for. Always smiling.
"You guys sit down- and I'll get some cookies....is milk okay for everyone?" I inquired, grabbing a spatula, plate, and glasses.
"I'll take some water- I'm lactose intolerant. I have to take my pills an hour before I eat anything dairy wise." Qasim whispered, looking up at me.
"Honey, ain't no need to be shame. Just a little something you have to overcome. We all got some type of medical condition here and there." I explained, smiling at him.
I smiled as him and Trin interacted as I finished up what I was doing.
"Mrs. O let me help you out" he spoke, while grabbing the glasses, and milk.
Qasim was a sweetheart just a tad bit misunderstood. I sat down and watched Trin bounce from side to side chewing on her cookie.
"Let's catch up Qasim" I spoke, while he sipped on his water.
He straightened up a little in his chair.
"What's up?" He inquired, looking back at me.
"How'd you end up locked up again?" I questioned, looking over at Trin
"Same ole same. Didn't realize the car I jacked had a tracking device on it. If I did I would've disabled it- or left it where it was." He stated, shaking his head.
I nodded my head. I wasn't here to judge, but I did want him to start making better life choices for the sake of his baby girl.
"I know Mrs.O, Kaydence already gave me the do better speech." He snapped, while pinching the bridge of his nose.
I patted his hand that was on the table.
"I'm not judging anything you do Q, but I know you're better than this fast money that you're accustomed too. Every sinner has a future. You should know, considering you have it tattooed on you. I think you and Honey could learn a thing or two from one another." I explained, grabbing his hand and giving it a small squeeze.
He smirked a little licking over his bottom lip.
"Mrs. O, you aren't slick! Game peep game, and not to be rude or disrespectful- but me- and Miss. Prissy come from two different worlds." He replied, shaking his head, and waving his hand.
"I'm good Mrs.O, we can be cordial for Trin's sake- but your daughter deserves somebody from your world." he chuckled, rubbing his hands together.
I shook my head in disagreement.
"That's the beauty of relationships chile. You don't have to come from the same background. Sometimes coming from the same background doesn't ensure that a relationship will last. Hard work, commitment, communication, and a willingness to set aside your pride ensures your stability." I stated, wearing a small smile.
"Plus, ha old man ain't gone be kosher with his daughter chilling wit' a hood nigga/mechanic. I'on think that's good enough fa Mister money bags" he replied, shifting in his chair.
"Nice try Mrs.O, but me and Trin made it this far without a woman's touch and I believe we will be fine. He continued, with a small smirk.
I wasn't going to force something I felt had potential to be- so I'd let things take its course with those two.
"What happened to her mom?" If you don't mind me asking," I inquired, not wanting to come off too intrusive.
He chuckled, and this look of anger flashed in his eyes. I felt like I touched on a subject that he'd buried a long time ago.
"Trinity cover your ears mama" he spoke, while his face held this expression I couldn't quite read.
She did just that
"I don't mean no harm, but she's the reason I don't give these bitches a chance. If we ain't fucking then we really don't have shit to discuss- and I ain't one of them talk about my feelings type niggas, so that's why I say Mrs. O yo daughta don't need no nigga like me. She'll probably go insane fucking wit'a nigga like me. I'on want that on my conscious Mrs.Rach" he answered, shaking his head.
I nodded my head- but part of me was telling me behind that tough exterior was a man that knew how to love and be loved. It just took the right woman to bring it out of him.
"Baby have you seen all them tattoos my daughter got? She started rebelling at an early age. I just let her be cause I knew telling her no was pointless. Blain felt otherwise, and decided he was going to ground her for every tattoo she got. Still ain't stop her. She tattooed like a guy now." I replied, while nodding my head.
He chuckled, "Yeah, I noticed that earlier. She too pretty for all those tattoos."
"Oh, so you noticed she was pretty?" I giggled, giving him the side eye.
He shook his head.
"I said I wasn't interested in dating-not I was blind. Anybody could see your daughter is gorgeous. She looks just like her motha" he answered, letting out another chuckle.
I laughed a little more and felt my face heat up.
"Oooo Mama Rach, why you blushing?" Trin squealed, looking at my face.
Which I'm sure was red as a tomato by now.
"Chile hush and eat that cookie." I chuckled, shaking my head at how observant she was.
"Well Mrs.O I think we're about to leave. I start work tomorrow." he spoke, smiling a little.
"Do you have a sitter for Trin?" I asked, while standing up to all them to the door.
"No, ma'am, but I was going to see if Liese would watch her for me." he stated.
"Non sense, bring that baby to me tomorrow" I replied, opening the door for them.
"Bye Mrs.Rach" Trin spoke, and hugged me.
"Bye baby" I replied, hugging her and kissing her cheek.
"Thank you again, Mrs.O" Qasim stated, kissing my cheek.
I closed the door once they got in the car. Q didn't know it yet-but he needed a woman's touch.
So....Chapter Three is out! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Mrs.Rach trying too play cupid...lol. Excuse all mistakes!-C.Pacino

Winter's Love
General FictionHoney Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...