Qasim Winters
"O, you in here?"
It was silent for a few moments, and then she yelled back at me."We all in the room"
Sitting my stuff in the living room, I made my way to the bedroom. I could hear my mom, O's mom, and the kids.
"Dad, Mama O having a baby. We all want a boy. Our grannies both want girls." he announced, scrunching up his face.
Alright, do you all have your bags packed? my mom questioned.
Where y'all off to? School starts back tomorrow"
My mom gave me a knowing look.
"We have that all squared away, but you two need to fix this. The tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife."
Letting out a sigh, I nodded my head. I hated when things were off between us. I walked them back to the front door. I watched them get buckled in and after my mom blew her horn I waved and closed the door.
Standing at the door frame, I watched O avoid me at all cost. I stood there a little longer to see how stubborn she really was. After 30 minutes I stepped into the room fully.
"You see me standing here?"
"Go stand where you slept last night" she mumbled, putting away the folded clothes on the bed.
The look on her face was murderous. I wanted to laugh but I knew we needed to talk about all of this.
"I slept at Vanna nem' crib"
"I already knew that. Vanna snitched on you before you even got there"
Letting out a small chuckle I sat on the bed.
"Can we talk?" I questioned, kicking off my shoes in the process.
She nodded and settled on sitting in my lap. Wrapping her up in my arms I thought of everything Van said.
"What are we doing?"
"Keeping the baby"
I felt my heart swell a little. I'd prepared myself for the I'm still not sure talk. Or, I'm still getting that abortion. Kissing her cheek, I told her I loved her.
"I love you too, and I'm sorry for even considering something out of pocket like that. I got scared and talked myself into paranoia."
"You thought I was going to leave or tell you to have an abortion? I mean, I was prepared for you to eventually tell me you were pregnant. We stopped using condoms, and you weren't on the pill."
"Why'd you leave me? I didn't get any sleep last night" she grumbled, looking at me.
I could tell she hadn't gotten any real sleep. The little bags under her eyes were evident.
"I felt as if you were saying I love you- but not enough to bring your child into the world. I didn't want to be around you, because nothing would be resolved. So, I left to cool down and allow you to get yourself together."
"I understand" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
"Where does this leave us?" she questioned, letting out a yawn.
"Preparing for a new baby and all your womanly hormones"
"Well can we get some sleep and prepare tomorrow or later?"
Letting her go, she rolled over on her side. Getting up, she narrowed her eyes at me. "Where you going Winters?"
"Nowhere. Calm down baby
She sucked her teeth loudly, "If you call me that, you gone sleep on the couch."
Chuckling, I let out a yawn or two. "I was not about to call you baby mama. I was calling you baby." I retorted.
After I was comfortable to my liking, I occupied the space beside her. "Babe, I know you miss me...but I can't breathe.
She mumbled a sorry and moved her head a little.
"All I want is to be a good mom Qasim. Be the person I needed for my own child."
I rubbed her back and kissed her head.
"You are great with Trinity and Naseem. Don't stress yourself about what you won't or want to be."
"Take it one day at a time and I'll be here as well"
I didn't get a response as she let out soft snores. I let my thoughts take me to sleep. There was a lot I wanted to do before the baby came.
Hey babies,
This is a short chapter. I'm working on the next one right now. I'm hoping I can get it published today. I actually want to finish this book today. Which is what I am shooting for. Enjoy and excuse any mistakes please.

Winter's Love
Narrativa generaleHoney Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...