"Honey, I know you care and want what's best for him. However, he's a grown ass man.""He making a bigger issue than it has to be. And he was wrong for saying all that to me." she huffed. Crossing her arms.
This girl was beyond stubborn. It made no sense. All I was trying to get her to see was she can't preach to him about something she does as well.
"Honey, you were wrong. I'm not saying Q, was right for what he said - but you do know how to push peoples buttons."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"You're always trying to look at both sides."
"Just because I'm your best friend doesn't mean I always have to take your side. Furthermore, I wasn't taking a side of either one. You both were wrong in the situation. More so, you. You can't force him to mend his relationship with his mom. He has to do that on his time."
She nodded biting on her lip.
"Besides, it's been 3 weeks. You two been acting like stubborn brats. And you both look like hell."
She mugged me while running her fingers through her hair. She had on no makeup, no weave installed , and bags so huge she looked dead.
"I miss my grizzly bear. On top of that, Seem and Trinity have been running me crazy. Mia keeps playing on my phone. I'm trying not to take it there. She begging for an ass cutting L."
I shook my head. Well, your man will be here right about now.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I'm tired of him sleeping on my couch. Don't get me wrong- I love my brother, he keeps it clean, cooks- but you two need to stop the bullshit. Be his woman."
"I am his woman Liese"
I nodded my head.
"Yeah, but you have your motherly tendencies too."
She huffed and rolled her eyes.
"Did Q say all this? He's been talking about me? Great!"
"No, Q didn't say any of that. I'm just telling you how I see it at times. You gotta let him be a man. He is not going to let you walk all over him. He doesn't need you constantly badgering him. As for Mia, beat the bitch ass. I know you are trying to be respectful because of Seem, but one person can only take so much." I retorted.
There was a knock at the door, and Honey rolled her eyes.
"Chill with the attitude Honey"
She nodded her head and I got up to open the door.
"Remember, shut up and listen. Listen, okay."
She glared at me as I made my way pass Q. He pulled me into a small hug. I hugged him back. We parted, and I threw the peace sign at O.
I stood there taking in her appearance. Even with the bags, and dark circles under her eyes- she still looked gorgeous. I finally closed the door. Leaning against the door...I slipped my hands in the front of my sweats. I let my thumbs rest on the band.
O shifted in her chair a little bit.
"Stop staring at me. You making me nervous" she stated. A small smile playing on her lips. As bad as I wanted to smile back, I continued to stare at her.
The smile slipped from her face, and she bit her lip.
"I don't like this space that we've created. We built this off of friendship. Being best friends, we should be able to talk this out" I stated.

Winter's Love
Narrativa generaleHoney Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...