"I met Tee first. I was around 17 or 18. She was everything in my eyes. Reminded me of you, and I felt like you'd be proud to have her as a daughter in law. The relationship was amazing up until I figured out, she had an 8 ball a day cocaine habit. Tee used up until her first trimester, stopped, had Trin- and left us in the middle of the night."My mentality on women and relationships were messed up for a while after that.
He let out a little chuckle and shook his head.
Mia, Mia was a little booty call. I remembered her from school, but I never would have thought Tee and Mia were sisters. Mia revealed she had a crush on me, but I was to caught up on Tee to realize she existed. We messed around for a little while, you know, friends with benefits. She started to become extra clingy after a while- so I cut her off. Then I found out about Naseem.
I met Honey before Karina, and that was the biggest mistake. Some days I wish- I never entertained her. The girl is a lunatic ma, but she was there, and I kind of liked her. I broke things off because my feelings for Honey out weighed the like for Rina. Truthfully, I wish I met Honey before any of them."
Q shook his head
How come God didn't make us cross paths sooner?" He questioned, glancing at me.
Smiling I rubbed his hand.
"You and Honey hadn't crossed paths- because neither of you were ready for the other. She was established and knew what she wanted. You were being hard headed still, and God knew that uniting you two wasn't a good idea. Ask yourself, would you have known how to treat her if you met her first? Would you have appreciated the woman she's grown to be? See, with God it's all about timing. You and Honey crossed paths because God felt the time was right. You both were in positions, that allowed you to grow and appreciate what you'd been missing in a mate." I replied, kissing his forehead.
He scrunched his face as I wiped the lipstick off.
"In that case, I wasn't mentally ready for Honey back then. Ma, I wanna do something special for Honey. We do little stuff, but I want to do something that'll make her fall even more in love with me" he responded, smiling a little.
"Sounds like you trying to give me a daughter in law baby"
Chuckling he waved me off.
"Not yet, but I got her a promise ring. I have been brainstorming the best way to present it to her"
"Follow your heart and it will come to you" I stated, rubbing his back.
"Thanks mama, I love you"
My words were caught, and I felt the tears. It's been a while since I've heard those words come from Qasim's mouth.
"Why you crying ma?" He questioned, wiping his face.
"I'm happy baby. That's all, I'm happy"
Kissing my cheek, I hugged her neck.
"I already contacted O, I'm gonna stay with you tonight mama"
"Alright baby, that's fine with me. Don't make this a habit though"
"I won't ma, I won't. Promise you." He stated, walking down the hall.
I prayed for this day and more. I was a proud mother of an amazing man.
Hey babies, the second part is a little short. I'm working on more updates. I have nine or ten more chapters and this will be done! I'll have wifi tomorrow when I take my sister to school- so I'll update again.😊

Winter's Love
Fiction généraleHoney Ortiz was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Stuck up doesn't even describe her. Always getting what she wants. No isn't in her vocabulary. 23 year old Qasim has always been a product of the street- matter of fact he is the streets! Born...